Chapter 14: IZABELLE!

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Izabelle's POV

(Trigger warning: Mention of grooming)

That teacher of ours has been giving me such a strange vibe. I don't like it at all, it makes me uncomfortable and I hate being uncomfortable. Is she a hunter, a predictor or something? Well I guess I'm going to find out... It was break time, everyone left the classroom but I stayed behind. It was just Mrs. Black and I, I get up from my seat and walk over to her. "Mrs. Black," I said, gaining her attention. She looked over at me and smiled, "Yes may I help you Izabelle," she asked. I watched as her eyes widened, she turned pale and she looked lifeless, got her.

I use my wings to float up, I touch her head and find out everything about her. Turns out her name isn't even Rebecca Black, it's Hailey Ravens. She is a 22 year old female who is in a relationship with an ex-hybridhunter. He was taken out of commission due to a hybrid fighting him back, making him loose his right arm. She also likes children a lot and I found some very icky thoughts of hers. Especially with Dikkota in them, my face scrunches up as I look at this woman with disgust.

Not only are we dealing with a hybrid hunter but we are dealing with a predator as well. I take an audio recorder from out of my pocket, "Confess your sins to me and I shall set you free," I chanted with orange and brown glowing eyes. She started confessing everything, down to the children's she's touched, to the plans she had with us, especially Dikkota. Once she got her hands on all of us she was gonna send us to the breeding or chopping grounds depending if she liked us or not.

But she was going to keep Dikkota all to herself... I stood their in shock, I watched in awe as she told me every crime, every charge, every felony. That a woman who was made to nurture the future minds of children would think such wicked and evil thoughts. That she did and thought such wicked and evil things. After she was finished talking I stopped the recorder, put it in my pocket and put on a facade. I unbind her mind from my chains and she fazed back into reality. She looked around for a moment before looking back down at me.

"Sorry Izabelle did I space out?" She asked clearing her throat. "Yeah, are you okay?" I asked. "Yes dear, thank you for asking, how about you go play with your siblings and friends huh?" She suggested and I slowly nodded my head. I ran out of the classroom into the recess area next door. I look around and immediately head straight to Kiyoshi. "Big brother!" I said running over to him. He looked over at me, "Yes what's wrong?" He asked running his hands through my hair when I came to a stop.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't pout, tell big brother your worries," he smiled and I hugged him. "I don't like Mrs. Black, she has scary thoughts," I whined into his shirt. "Oh what did you see?" He asked. "I saw Dikkota a lot in her mind, her touching him in all his no no places," I replied. His eyes widened, "Did you get any evidence or anything?" He asked. I nodded my head and pulled out a tape recorder, I handed it over to him. "Come let's go to the principal!" He said taking my hand. I nod my head and run with him over to the principal's office.

We were in front of the door, Kiyoshi opened it and we both walked inside. "Ah, what brings you two into the office today?" A lady asked. "My little sister overheard our teacher say so many weird things and she's been acting strange too," Kiyoshi said. "Oh my? Can you tell me what you heard sweetheart?" The lady asked. "She said she was going to touch one of my older brothers in his no no places," I said almost in tears. I had to make it as believable as possible. People fall for the damsel in distress especially when it's a young girl.

"Really! What's their name?" She asked. "Mrs. Black," Kiyoshi replied getting on knee and tending to me. "Do you have anything we can use against her?" The lady asked. "I recorded all the other things she said," I hiccupped. Kiyoshi got up and passed the recorder over to her. She listened to the recorder and heard so many terrible things. She immediately picks up the phone, "Hello police, I just found a woman disguising herself as a teacher to hunt and prey on young children," she said sternly. "Yes we are at Xxxx Middle School, District 13," she said.

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