Chapter 18: The End

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3rd Person's POV

They all did it, they finally did it. Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, George and Dream raised so many wealth, successful, intelligent and beautiful children:

Aiko is famous for her agriculture business, she ended up having three kids of her own. The oldest is named Alastair, he is 2, the middle child is called Amanda, she's 2 and the youngest is Ava she is 2 as well. They mainly look like Alexis though but they have the animal features of Aiko.

Fumihiro graduated college and managed to preform in the Olympics. He holds a world record in the 1600m sprint with a time of 4.10 seconds. Some say he cheated by using drugs to boost his performance so they took a drug test and immediately debunked the theory. He is an immediate fan favourite for his kindness to his beautiful face but watch out ladies he's already taken! He had to pause on his althetics for a bit since he has a litter on the way.

Kiyoshi is a doctor, nothing more nothing less. He didn't like the attention, he likes living peacefully and that's what he did. He hasn't found the person meant for him but he doesn't mind. More time to work on himself before committing.

Dikkota is the world's leading electronics company. From consoles, to computers, to phones, to tablets to even mobile and console games. Everyone loves his products, from the good quality to the long lasting. Way better than any IPhone, as the comments would say. Dikkota has two soul mates, Ada and Abdullah, mainly platonic though. Dikkota is still learning how to love romantically, he tends to give affection only in times of need or on special occasions.

Dikkota did get his revenge though, the moment Mrs. Black came out of prison, she was killed. When the person he sent told him that their mission was successful, he's never been so happy in his entire life! Dikkota is now a 23 year old man with a multi-billion dollar company on his will. Maybe his kids will get it?

Izabelle is one of the world's top models, everyone adores her bubbly and energetic personality. She's always so willing to learn something knew. She also isn't afraid to shame people who try to embarrass her. Izabelle may act like an airheaded bimbo from time to time but she isn't stupid. She once shamed a reporter for attempting to make fun of her and she did it all with a smile on her face.

Izabelle met her soulmate, her name is Mirabelle. Mirabelle is a hybrid tamer, she had golden brown skin, emerald green eyes and she is really tall even without heels. Izabelle likes to call her tall mama, since she is as tall as Lady Demitrescu.

Jay mainly focuses on YouTube and his two lovers, Andy and Claire. Andy is a hybrid tamer while Claire is a bunny hybrid. Dream and Jay play with each other from time to time. When the public found out that Jay was Dream's son, they all went ballistic. Supporters, haters, neutrals you know regular controversy. Jay plays with Sapnap, Karl, Quackity and George as well. They all play on the SMP together.

Akira is a model just like Izabelle, her mates are Zack and Michael. Zack is a soft and cuddly lion while Michael has the same attitude as Akira. Dream and Sapnap like to call them them the sassy duo. Akira doesn't plan on having kids for a while, Zack and Michael respect the decision.

Nagisa is in college for a few extra years for sleep therapy and insomniacs. Since he has the ability to help people sleep and them themselves love to sleep, it's a match made in heaven. When he isn't doing projects or school work he is always sleeping. He found a mate and her name is Ally, she is transgender. She also likes to sleep a lot, so they both sleep together when they have free time.

Ayden, Valentina, Ash, Ruby, Kai, Ember, Cole and Akira all run Las Nevadas with the help of their mother Quackity. Money, gambling, casinos, bars, want any of those call them. Ash, Cole and Kai all have the same mate who's name is Navier (Male) . I know what you're thinking and no their relationship is mainly platonic between the brothers.

Valentina works for the police as an undercover cop, since she is able to change identities it is perfect for her. She works as a stripper for her side job, she enjoys it a lot. That's where she met her lover Liza, she has chocolate brown skin with orange eyes that glowed on the dance floor. She always wore black no matter the occasion, lipstick, eye makeup, heels, clothes, you name it she wears black for it. The only thing that isn't black is her heart for Valentina.

Ayden or Alyanne is our wonderful transgender (male to female). She works as a therapist with her mate Angie, Angie was a short Mexican woman who had more swear words then Alyanne's mother. Whenever Angie swears it takes every fiber of Alyanne's being not to laugh especially if the swearing is directed to her.

Ruby, Ember and Amira are exactly like their other three brothers, Ash, Cole and Kai. Ruby has her own mate but she still lives in the same house as her two sisters. Ruby's mate's name is Nicholas, he always reminds her of her father. His burning passion, his outspokeness and his drive. He checked out all the boxes for Ruby. Ruby has her own litter on the way, she is about to lay soon.

Ember and Amira's mates name is Nathaniel. Goofy, hard-headed, kind, serious, sassy and stern. Those are the words those two would use to describe him. Nathaniel reminds the two of all of their parents. Ember and Amira aren't planning to have kids until later in life but they do enjoy gambling and stripping. No wonder why their parents did it!

Ran out of inspiration for this story and it felt so fucking dead so I'm ending the book. At least I don't leave you hanging by a thread I'm not that mean. Anyways stay happy and healthy next book is "Everyone's favourite Idol" it's a Tommy trans au! Hope to see you there yeah?

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