Chapter 8: Family Bonding

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Multiple POVs
George's POV

I wake up to loud chirping, I slowly open my eyes to find 5 lively chicks in front of me. I fluff up my feathers a bit to show them that I'm awake. After they realize I'm awake they stop chirping. "I'm awake, I'm awake," I said tiredly. I then feel the all snuggling against me, they feel so warm, I just wanna doze off again. While they were rubbing against me I decided to clean their fur at least a little bit.

While I'm cleaning I might as well name them... I attend the white swan with yellow tips. The eldest, I pretty baby chick. His emerald green eyes and cool persona, he kinda like Dream, "Your name is Dikkota Jackson Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs," I said cleaning him up. (It's a long ass name I know 😭😭🤚🏿) Dikkota let out a low chirp, I guess he really likes the name. I finished up with him and turn to the pure white swan. I start cleaning her up, her feathers look so smooth. They shine so brightly without even trying, her eyes are also mesmerizing. Orange and brown is such a good colour for her.

"I will name you Izabelle Mira Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs," I said. Izabelle chirped excitedly in response. It causes me to giggle, she's hyperactive like Sapnap. I finish up with her and then move onto the yellow swan with white tips. His feathers are so fluffy, his eyes are also like mine. He looked absolutely gorgeous, "I'll name you Jay Nathaniel Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs," Jay snuggled up to me  and let out a small chirp. So he's reserved like Karl and a bit shy like him as well.

I giggle and finish up with him and turn to my other yellow chick. Orange eyes like a firing flame, she seems like a sassy one as well. "Your name is Akira Lillian Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs," I said beginning to clean her. She didn't even chirp, he just let out a hum. Yup this is definitely Quackity's genes, I giggle finish cleaning her up. I then take a look at my last born, a pure white swan. Their eyes are multiple colours. One eye is a mix of blue, green and orange while the other is brown mixed with gold.

They chirp once again and it was a tone where I couldn't tell the gender.... "They're male," Dream said. "I couldn't tell by the chirp," I said nuzzling my baby boy. I then pause, "When did you get in?" I asked looking at Dream.  "I was always here," he said petting Fumihiro, he then let out a sheep sound. I chuckle, "I'll name you Nagisa Oliver Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs," I said cleaning his fur. He fluffed up his feathers a bit and then slowly started falling asleep on himself. He's kinda like me when I was younger, well I'm still the same, I love to sleep.

"Stay here for a moment," I said looking at my chicks. They lay down and I waddle away from a bit. I then transform back into a human but this time I'm a girl... I was completely naked too, I start to internally cringe inside. "Never thought the day would come where I have boobs," I said looking over at Dream. He chuckled and got up walking over to the closet. "No wonder men like you when you were a stripper. The slim thick frame really does it for you," Dream said getting me one of his hoodies.

I blushed and looked away slightly, he let out a hum causing me to look up at him. He then passes over the hoodie to me, it was black with a green smiley face on it. I took it and put it on myself, it covered me all the way to lower thighs. I then look over at my chicks, I pick them all up with my hands. I then nuzzle my face against theirs, how can I not? They are so cute! Of course they're cute, they're my kids. I then fluff up my wings, then I realized they were matted.

I whimper a bit looking back at them, I then notice a piece of my collar turning red. "I'll take care of you George," Dream said walking over to me. He put Fumihiro on my lap and then lifted me up. I surprised at first, he then carried us over to the bathroom. He rests me down on the counter and starts up the bathe. "I'm coming back alright?" Dream said. I nod my head as he walked out the room. I then felt Fumihiro move from my lap to the counter.

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