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One of my commentors are always confused when it comes to the labels of each child and who the parent is. So this is a brief run down of each child and how they address each parent, their sexuality, gender and powers. So you'll get the full fuckin course here, see how I'm so kind to y'all 😤😤

George's kids:

Dikkota Jackson Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs (Calm)

Izabelle Mira Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs (Lively & Cheerful)

Jay Nathaniel Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs (Sarcastic)

Akira Lillian Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs (Sassy)

Nagisa Oliver Taken-Davidson-Quackity-Sapnap-Jacobs (Sleepy)

Dikkota being the mature boy for his age would address George as mother instead of mommy, he would address Dream as father, momma for Karl, Mamá for Quackity and Papa for Sapnap. The rest of George's kids will follow suit later on in life, besides the girls. (I still call my father, daddy and this bitch 16 going on 17 so i'm not gonna give that up anytime soon 😭😭)

Dikkota has a very high IQ, solves more problems than the average kid and because of this needs to keep his mind entertained or he will enter a state of boredom. He tends to throw fits or tantrums during this state so he prefers to keep himself entertained no matter the age. When he gets older he will just be extremely grumpy, unresponsive and antisocial. He goes by he/him/his pronouns, he is asexual and mainly uninterested in people so no love for him... Maybe...

Izabelle is very childlike and playful, she is confused about a lot of things but once you explain it she will understand. She has challenges academic wise but Dikkota helps her with homework so she isn't completely in the dust. Izabelle has the power to sway the minds of people, basically a manipulator, but she decides not to unless she needs to get out of trouble. It works on humans very well along with hybrids but it doesn't have that strong of an effect. She is mainly joyful and carefree, she doesn't let stress and worry consume her. She lives in her own world and prefers to keep it that way. She/Her/Hers pronouns she is our honorary lesbian.

Izabelle address George as mommy, Dream as Daddy, Sapnap as Papa, Karl as Momma and Quackity has Mamá.

Jay is a very sarcastic boy but he uses that as a defense mechanism, his motto is "If you can't handle me now then you never will later" So he tends to be rude at times sometimes to his own parents but he means well. Jay isn't very trusting of people but when he trusts you, he is an absolute sweetheart. Jay has the ability to teleport, when he's about to teleport his eyes will light up before green particles surround the place he once was. Jay tends to overthink a lot especially when you leave him alone for too long, so he spends most of his time with Akira or Nagisa. He/His/Him pronouns and he is bisexual

Jay address George as mommy, Dream as Daddy, Sapnap as Papa, Karl as Momma and Quackity has Mamá.

Akira is a very sassy young girl, one of the reasons she gets along with Jay. Same thing with Jay she uses her sassiness as a defense but she can control it. She has the ability to scare people by the look she gives or by her posture. Nobody is immune to this so she only uses it on people she considers a threat to her or her family. Akira likes to play with Jay and Nagisa, she likes the vibes she gets from them. She would sometimes go around Dikkota or Izabelle for a change of scenery or when she needs advice from Dikkota. Her/Hers/She pronouns and she is bisexual.

Akira address George as mommy, Dream as Daddy, Sapnap as Papa, Karl as Momma and Quackity has Mamá.

Nagisa is our sleepy boi of everyone here. He has the ability to put anyone he finds annoying or just anyone to sleep. When he does, he emits a transparent gas from his hands, they never know what's coming. His motto is "Sleep before I put you to sleep" sounds hostile but he's the least hostile child with Aiko followings afterwards. He brushes everything off but still is one of the first to do his work before everyone else, he then sleeps afterwards... Yeah that's basically all he does. He is much smaller and weaker than his other siblings but still stronger than humans since they are weak... When Nagisa is alert of someone that he finds suspicious he would refuse to fall asleep or even bat an eye. He/Him/His/They/Them/Theirs pronouns and they are pansexual

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