Chapter 17: Double Trouble

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Fumihiro's POV

College has been great, my years of track and field, high jump, javelin, swimming, gymnastics and many more has paid off. I got into the best college for sports in America, Olympia College for Athletics! The moment I got the letter sent to my door, I couldn't help but shout for joy! It was one of the best moments in my life, I showed father and papa, they were so proud! Now here I am in my second year of college at 17 years old. I came here when I was 16, making me the youngest to ever come in this school.

I've made a couple of friends, by a couple I mean almost the whole school. Teachers, students, faculty, almost everybody except Jackel and Jacob. I've tried approaching and talking to them but they seem uninterested so I leave them alone. It's not like they bother me in anyway so it isn't my problem. Today I have a very eventful schedule, I have to get my daily workout in before I head to class at 8 o'clock.

Since I know my routine takes two hours to do, I wake at 4 every morning, well only on school days, to exercise. I change my clothes, have a light breakfast before leaving my dorm to do a: 2 mile walk, a 4 mile run, 200 push-ups, 300 sit-ups with a thirty minute break before doing my stretches and returning to my dorm. When I enter my dorm it is around 7:15, I check my watch to make sure. It was 7:10 this time, "Well isn't that a world record!" I beamed, hyping myself.

I then hear and see movement in the corner of my eye, my ears twitch a bit before I turn in that direction. I saw my roommate, a short dark-skinned male with orange and brown hair. The hair that was shaved at the sides was brown while his curly hair top was orange. His brown bunny ears perked up and I saw his bunny tail fluffy up a bit as he readjusted the glasses on his face. "Morning Fumihiro," he greeted. "Morning Browny!" I smiled.

He sighed, "My name's not Browny Fumihiro," he said rolling his eyes. I chuckle, "Of course Daniel!" I smiled while making my way to my room. It looked like the exact replica of my room at home. My 3 favorite skateboards are above my bed, on both sides of my bed it has my bedside table with my lamp and my alarm clock. The other has a picture of my parents along with a picture of my siblings.

My king-size bed with my white pillows and blue sheets that was well-made the moment I got up. To my right is my desk with my computer along with all my books and trash bin. To my left is all my trophy shelves, the trophies and metals I've won throughout my two years. One and a half of the shelves is already filled. With the rate I'm going, im going to fill up those shelves. Then I'll have to send them all home.. again. I walk over to the shower that is branched off into my room and close the door behind me.

Cold showers after a long work out is exactly what the body needs. I take off my sweat filled jersey revealing my sun-kissed skin. I look at the big scar that was dead centre in my chest, my eyes narrow as the scene plays over and over and over again in my mind.

It was late at night, I would say around 8PM when I was walking home from practice. It was my first year of college but I ended up getting lost of the way there but I managed to find the right path. On my way there, I heard a scream, it sounded like the scream of a lady in distress. My eyes scan for any possible source of the scream. I walk forward a little bit more to be met with an alleyway, in that alleyway was a woman and a man.

The man looked to be holding the woman at knife point, "Drop everything you got, one more peep out of you and I'll slit your throat," he growled. He had a deep monotone voice that hissed and echoed throughout the alleyway. "Okay! Okay!" The woman said handing over her purse. She looked petrified, she was in so much shock she was fumbling and shaking, her eyes darted everywhere.

I'm a little tired right now but I still hope I have the strength! I put all my strength into my legs as I feel my adrenaline kick in. In the blink of an eye, I was right behind the guy. I wrap my arms around his neck in a choke hold so he can just pass out. He fought back and elbowed my stomach, I wince a bit and my grip on him loosened.

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