Arrival not Appreciated

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Time skip to dinner time
Everyone came back home and here you, eomma and Jennie are in kitchen to prepare dinner. Jennie was excited to see your reaction because according to what Lana told her you both sisters share a very close bond with each other.

The bell rang and Jennie went to open the door when she opened the door she hugged the girl and asked her to come in. When Yn saw the girl she went numb for a while like it was a nightmare coming true, flashes came in Yn's mind that how the girl used to torture her.

She went and greeted the girl but the girl hugged her Yn was afraid of her and was trying to act normal. The girl said
' Unnie why are you trying to avoid me, you know I missed you a lot, I know you are upset that I never met you in person a lot of times but please forgive me '

Yn put on the fake smile and said
' Don't worry Elle I am not avoiding you my little sister and i am not angry anymore now you came we will sort all the problems. '

Then Jennie spoke ' Unnie did you like my surprise🎉🎉 '

Looking at Jennie's excitement Yn hugged her and thanked her. Jennie felt like she did something nice for her but Elle was not the Happiness for Yn
Then Yn spoke to Elle ' Hey why didn't your husband came and I got to know that you are expecting a child isn't '
Elle got nervous and she replied
' Actually he got some work so that's why he can't come and who told you that we are expecting hmm and you didn't even congratulated me I am angry '

Yn was surprised by her acting skills she replied
' I was waiting for you tell me this news but you didn't told me, btw mom told me about it ' you faked a smile.

Time skip

You all had dinner and now everyone excused you two sisters but you were not feeling safe with Elle despite being at your house you felt unsafe. All those memories came back.

You were about to cry when Elle spoke

' Did my dear sister missed me (with smirk) If not then I know you missed my belt isn't it or my hands which used to slap you and made you sleep. Ufff show me this pretty face I know you missed me and moreover mom, don't hide unnie '

You wanted to slap her but instead spoke

' Don't worry about me and don't think I missed you and mom a lot I am not alone, I have my family beside me who are better than you both. And btw whose child are you carrying I don't think it's you husband's child coz if that would be the case he would be here. I am pretty sure you still go to bar and do nasty things with random people. Am I correct'

She was angry as hell and wanted to slap you for talking back with her but she smirked and said

' Don't worry my dear sister I will keep visiting you ' she faked her smile you were curious but then you saw Jennie and Tae behind you you smiled and hugged Elle and said in such way that only she can listen
' Don't worry my dear sister I know karma is real and you and mom will be paying for your sins sooner or later. '

Elle left Yn's home and took a cab to her home.

Meanwhile at your house

Tae hugged you and asked
' What happened wifey why are you looking worried... Do you want to share something '

You got a bit uncomfortable because since childhood you were not used to any kind of skinship. You broke the hug and said
' Nothing Tae it's just I am sleepy nothing else' you gave an assuring smile.

Tae got a call so he excused himself, you went to kitchen and saw eomma was preparing for morning you started helping your eomma, but your eomma asked you
' Yn~ah are you okay, are you hiding something from us?? '

You spoke
' No eomma and what made you think all this ' to this your eomma replied
'Don't hide Yn i have heard all the things between you and Elle' she said with stern voice.

You looked down and said
' Eomma don't tell about this to anyone please i will tell this to Tae on my own please eomma '
your eomma spoke
' Yn~ah do you take us as stranger? Tell me Yn i know if you have taken us family then you could have told us about this and how can you stand them huh'
You were teary 😢 you wanted to share your pain but you couldn't tell the truth but you were totally unaware of the fact that they knew the truth that your father knew. Now Eomma wants to know so thought of taking Troy's help. She called him and asked him
'Troy when are you coming home?? '
Troy replied ' What happened aunt is everything okay, is Yn alright ? '
Eomma understood that he got worried
Then she told him that everything is fine it's just she wanted to do some preparation for Ron.
She changed the topic and got to know that Ron and Troy will come tomorrow itself. She did some preparation and went to her room.


Lana is at her home planning to trouble Yn, now that she knew that Jennie is with Yn and don't want to hurt her but she called Elle so that they can help each other.

Hey my Readers I want to tell that I am not getting enough likes and comments on the story. So if you like the story do leave a comment and you can even add some topic or ideas for the story because the story is one sided only I want you all to help me as well. And please share this story as well.

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