It's not about us only sometimes we need to see from other's perspective as well

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Yn and Ron were having breakfast silently unlike other days when meals are meant to talk. Eomma was noticing all the things so she interrupted and said

'Ron and Yn i have to go for shopping would you both like to join? '

To her utter surprise Yn said

' No mom we are fine you can go , I will be here at home only '

Eomma went to shopping meaning while Yn was dressing up to go out. When Ron came in the room he asked yn

'Mommy are we going some where? '

' Yes baby I will take you out for enlighten your mood '

Now you were going out, you thought to tell Tae and Eomma about the same since in case anyone comes back they won't be worried. ( well it's just that yn sent msg to Tae and eomma since they will tell others it not like they don't care for her )

Time skip

You reached your destination since it was not far from your house so you both came by walking.

You both were standing outside the orphanage you took Ron inside. You greeted everyone and met the kids with a happy smiling face however sad you are whenever you come to meet the kids they are always cheerful and can make your day better.

You introduce everyone with Ron, he was playing with them while sister Mia took you aside and asked

' Ron resemble so much with that unnie of yours '

You smiled and said

' Yes sister Mia he is Ron only 😊'

Yn loves to donate essential things in orphanage, she brought Ron to meet Sammie. Sammie is another baby who had done his operation of heart.
Yn loves to donate essential things in orphanage, she brought Ron to meet Sammie. Sammie is another baby who had done his operation of heart.

Time skip

Now it was the time to go back home. You said ' Shall we leave Ronnie? '
No mommy I don't want to leave this place see everyone is so nice to me no one even bullied me when you were not near me🥺

You pick him up and wipe his tears which are about to fall 😢

' Baby don't cry I know you felt like home over here but you know what you have me, appa, kookie uncle, angel, tae, granny, grand pa and you know that you are the luckiest baby I have seen,  only you have 3 grand pa and grandma 😊 and now I am here with you na if any one will trouble you tell me i will get that person punished ok now don't cry '

Time skip

You both came back Ron was sitting and watching TV. Tae and dad were about to come. You were making dinner and eomma came and asked

' Are you both okay? '

' I have to be okay to get my Ronnie back eomma '

She just hummed in response...

Time skip

Tae and dad came back, Jennie also came back and Jungkook was trying to distract Ron by playing video games.

Since they were playing in the living room you were able to see Ron and understand.

You didn't want to ask Troy since he will get worried, now eomma called all of them for dinner you laid the plates but Ron didn't come and He was not listening to Jungkook as well so you went near him to talk to him but he just hugged you tightly not letting you go as if he was afraid you will also leave him you started patting him to calm him down and speak soft words nears his ears.

You signalled eomma to have dinner since Ron would take time you thought but Tae wasn't eating he wanted to have dinner with you and Ron but he was stubborn enough to make others eat the food on time after finishing the meal he gave medicines to eomma and appa which was your work but since you were busy he wanted to help you out.

Ron started weeping and sobbing your eyes got wet with tears You made eye contact with him and said

' What happened to my baby why are you crying? '

' I am sorry mommy I am a bad boy I always make you worried 😥 sorry mommy and he began crying '

You wiped his tears and said

' Who said that you made me worry, you know we worry for them for whom we care, and we love
since I love so worrying about my baby is normal only isn't it '

you pecked his cheeks making him giggle .

After a while you took him to dinning table and feed him Tae was just admiring you both the way you were taking care of Ron somehow he was just thinking of this cute little family with you in future. But he came back when Ron hugged him and smiled but Ron knew that both you and Tae didn't had dinner so he said
Mommy I am hungry please bring some more food

You were surprised since he eats a certain quantity of food only but he as asking for more so he sat on table and you and Tae were sitting in front of him beside each other.

Ron took another spoon and started feeding both of you 🥰 and said

I know none of them ate dinner and would have skipped the meal so be a good buddy and a good momma and finish this plate.

You both smiled the way he was ordering you both soon enough you both finished the food. Tae took Ron to his room while you were doing some dishes since mom had done the rest .

Soon enough you completed the work and went back to room you saw both of them were talking and giggling you went to take shower and come did you night routine and you also joined them in talks. Soon you all were tired and slept while embracing each other..

Next morning

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Next morning

In two days it will be yours and Ron birthday, you don't celebrate your but you want to celebrate Ron's birthday. So you called Troy to ask when he will be returning .

You were thinking of planning a small party where only Troy, his parents and your father will come (since you were not in contact with Mina's parents you asked eomma about the same but she also had no clue)

Now after having breakfast you went to drop Ron at school after coming back you heard Tae calling your name  you hurried to go and got shocked to see.......

His Cold WifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin