Me vs You

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She was the cute cheer leader , the popular one , the girl every guy wanted to be with ,  the one that always got invited to the party . I didn't care . I was her depressed bestfriend , who was always sleeping, always wore a hoodie and sweatpants to school even in South Florida , the girl who the guys only spoke to copy homework or talk to her bestfriend and the one who always had in headphones and some kind of drink in my hand. 

" Y/N look alive its the first day  ." Cherish  said with her toothy grin . " Come give me a smile baby " 

" no " I said simply walking away crushing the can of monster in her hands 
" y/n you know you want to " she said tickling me making me laugh exposing my metallic smile. I hated showing my braces . I put on my hood and walked down the corridor to my first class and there he was the boy that had Cherish's heart , the emo boy that all the girls secretly wanted he was the biggest hoe I knew of he fucked girls like it was a sport , I'd heard his music too , I lowkey fucked with it . hmm . He was talking to some girl and smoking with Stokeley , I liked Stokeley he was cute and he was the only guy that actually didn't use me to talk to Cherish and he lived not too far from me . 

I held my head down most of the classes  not really paying attention . After the bell rung for lunch and I felt a heavy hand smack me on the back " hot boi , get up " 
It was Stokeley " huh?" I said as he pulled my arm and yanked me out the chair 
" Are you coming to my house tonight . we bout to turn upppp " 
" why?" 
 " your so dull no wonder I'm the only person that willing talks to you beside Cherish." I gave him a blank expression as we walked to the lunch room .
" whatever you bum ass nigga  I get the same attention as every other girl ." I said pouting 
" You would if you didn't cover up from head to toe 7 days a week and maybe if you were a bit nicer and a bit less quiet , nobody is asking you to be like on Cherish level cause she kinda annoying but like loosen up a bit y/n its senior year ." he said putting his hand around my shoulder . 
" I know I know but I kinda like covering up because you niggas don't know what I'm hiding under here ." 
" It probably got cobwebs on it ." he yawned , I pushed him away kissing my teeth . He laughed and he went over to sit with Jahseh and his other stoner friends Cherish was there too - she never ate lunch with me , but with Jahseh who most of the time didn't even remember her damn name . 

I was walking home alone as usual and I saw a group of rowdy negros walking down the opposite side - it was Jahseh's group . sadly. 

" YO Y/N COME ON OVER HERE ." Stokeley shouted I could tell he was either drunk or high cause he never called me my actual name . " I'm coming over later !" I said loud enough for him to hear. I did my homework , took a shower and headed down a few houses I could smell the sins coming from it . I open the door and I see Stokeley , Jahseh and their other disciples. 

" Cherish?" 
" hey baby " she said turning around to face me 
" aren't you supposed to be at practice what are you doing here ?" I said concerned 
" Jah asked me to come so I made up some excuse and dipped ." she said as I saw Jahseh taking her up stairs . Oh no . Cherish was no virgin but it don't want her to fucked by someone who doesn't even know her last name . I followed them quietly , Jah and Cherish started devouring each other before they even made it too the room , he ripped her dress off and held her throat as she giggled and grinds her body onto his .

I face palmed myself and shook my head. they eventually made to the room as he threw her over his shoulder and grabbed her ass slamming the door . I do not see this ending well . Fuck it . I slowly open the door . 

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