The Last Days- Prom

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High school was finally over and it was coming time for prom . Jahseh and I rarely saw each other we went to different schools and I moved in with Stokeley's mom to cut the distance - sure he would come to her house a lot but with both of their careers taking off I rarely saw him . Cherish had found a boyfriend that she was actually in love - he had the same hair as Jah lol. Either way I felt like he forget about me - he barely texted me and ever so often on my feed he would be posing with some random girl with some part of him touching them . 

I had pretty much given up on him and I tried to break up with him so we could both go our separate paths in peace but every time this would happen : 

y/n: I'm breaking up with you Jah 
Daddy: no your not 
y/n: I am . 
Daddy : imma see you soon baby dw ;)
y/n: leave me alone 
Daddy : I love you 
* seen* 
Daddy: say it back cause I know you love me too 
y/n : I'm srs 
Daddy : no your not you just miss me how many times are we going to have this conversation . even in death your stuck with me suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrr any way later loser 
* seen* 

I would smile at my phone and sigh . Tonight I was applying to colleges with Stokeley's mom who was helping me out , I had already gotten a full scholarship and could support myself as I had my own club that I had paid for not with Jahseh's money but from my own money and Tennessee's we would split the money - the money was good . Life was good beside the fact that I missed Jahseh and prom was coming up and I was pretty much alone . As much as Cherish loved me  I knew she wanted to go with her boyfriend and I understood that . 

" y/n " Stokeley's mom said peeping into Stokeley's old room which was pretty much mine now 
" hey ma " 
" I wanna take you shopping for a prom dress " she smiled waving around some money 
" no thanks ma I'm not going " 
" because of Jah " she teased nudging my shoulder 
" yeah I don't want to third wheel with Cherish ya know and I bet he doesn't even know about it so whats the point " I sighed 
" well I really wanted a daughter to do this with so even if you don't know we can have a photoshoot with you in the dress " 
I smiled looking at the happiness that spread across her face and I agreed . 

We went into a beautiful boutique that all had saddening price tags on  them . We shifted through some options and then I saw it . My hands quickly picked it up . 
" THIS ONE MA " I squealed 
"alright then go try it on " she said guiding me to the dressing room . 

The dress was black and long sleeve with long cut in the V- line exposing the curve in my boobs the sides by my hips were also exposed making them look broad and sexy . The tightness of it outlined all my curves it even made my ass look big . I smiled . The sparkles made it shine as I walked out . 

" thank you ma " I said hugging her tightly 
" I'd do anything for my kids " 
" I thought you only had Ski ?" I said confused 
she smiled " no no Stokeley is my blood but I raised both you and Jahseh " 
I smiled as she purchased the dress . 

" now we need to do something with that bush on your head" she said stroking my afro ." and your nails - I'll set  up everything for the day before the shoot . " 

After we got home I got my stuff together for work tonight we were going to have special performances by Cardi B and other cool singers and past and present strippers . I had to get there early , I thought about Jahseh and Stokeley for a second and decided to check their stories. Stokeley's was just weed and anime he never posed much of an interest in girls anyway unless he wanted to fuck um .

Then we had Jahseh's - dark shit and funny videos of him but the last one caught my eye . He was pressed up against some white girl who could surprisingly twerk he had her hair holding while he grinded into her and another two girls on either side on was Gen - GEN and some other cheerleader as they all hyped him up . I felt tears coming on and blocked him on everything . I knew he wouldn't cheat but it still hurt that he was hanging out with them and not me . 

I sighed about to leave for work when my phone went off . 

Stokeley<3 : Jahseh wanna talk to you 
y/n: I don't want to talk to him I'm srs about the breaking up thing this time 
Stokeley<3: this is Jahseh - we're not done and unblock me fore I come down there and choke the shit out of you 
y/n: live your life  Jahseh I DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE !!!!
Stokeley<3: whatever you say broski I'm coming back for you soon ;) and I want some pusyyyyyyyyyyyy
y/n: I'm going on a date bye . 
Stokeley<3 : aye fuck is you talking about? 
Stokeley<3: Y/N !!
*seen * 

He called a good 4 or 5 times but I just ignored it, it wasn't that I didn't love him anymore we were just going two separate ways he needed somebody that could travel and be there with him through everything . I had my goals and he had his . I missed him and I loved him with all my heart but I couldn't abandon my dream to be with him . I cried the whole car ride but did my make up in the car plastering on a fake smile for the night ahead .

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