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I open the door and there she stood  , the woman that brought me into this bum ass world to leave me Jahseh and I were about to leave for school and our faces both dropped as he stood behind me with us both glaring at her . 
" y/n !" she said hugging me I patted her back lightly " who is this behind you ?" 
" I'm Jahseh y/n's boyfriend " he said shaking her hand . It was soft but fragile and frail hmm. 
" do you live here ?" she asked giving me a slightly disappointed look . 
" and what if he does you don't" I said firmly " I have school " I brushed past her and Jahseh nodded as we left . 
" I'm sorry y/n " she said sighing 
" we are way past sorry mum" I said looking back at her coldly . 

" that was hella cold " Jahseh catching up to me as we walked " she looks like she is trying . what drugs did she do anyway ?"
" she does cocaine , I heard she tried heroine and acid " I said rolling my eyes " but mostly coc " 
" I tried those drugs too maybe you shouldn't go so hard on because as much as people be tryna change that addiction shit be sending fuckers crazy - you can relate I have never met a girl - matta a fact a fucking human being that can drink as much as you and not get drunk . Point is when she comes back embrace it encourage the change you know what I'm saying . " he put his arm around me as we walked into school . 

" you may be right but I'm still mad " 
" thats understandable think about what I said though " Jah kissed my cheek and went about his merry emo way .

His words circled through my brain he was right for the most part but it was hard to accept. Jahseh went to spend time with his grandma but said he would pick me up at work so it was just me and her . I unlocked the door sighing already at the full sink of dirty dishes 

"why didn't you  wash your dishes - you ate all my food " I said staring at her bluntly as she lay on the couch 
" I was gonna come back " 
" where are you staying ?" 
" I just got out of rehab and I was looking for a job so hopefully we could find a nice little home by the lake or something " she smiled 
" no thank you " 
" so you'd rather live with that demonic looking boy then "
" Leave Jahseh out of this because unlike you he actually supports me ."
" y/n please don't be so cold you know the situation my love "
I took a deep breath remembering Jahseh' s words " you can stay here until you get on your feet" 
" thank you baby I promise I won't let you down this time " she said pulling me into a hug 

I pushed Jahseh's stuff to the side and cleared off the bed so we could both share it . No more X in my bed 

" I'm leaving for work I'll be back by tomorrow early maybe 2 or 3 here is some money to get something to eat if you wish " I said emotionlessly placing the money on the table 

" where do you work ?" 

I broke into a cold sweat trying to keep my composure " I'm a waitress at a club " I lied 
" oh oh okay maybe I'll stop by sometime " 
" okay " 

On my break I responded to the countless unfunny videos and memes  that Jahseh thought were out of this world hilarious . 

Blondy: how did it go when you got home with your mom?
y/n: about that ..........
Blondy: well 
y/n: you'll have to stay by your grandma for a while :/ 
Blondy: vro I told you to work things out not kick me out what the fuck 
y/n: I'm not ........I told her she could stay until she pulled her life together 
Blondy : fuck. 
y/n : what ? she said she was looking for a job 
Blondy: that isn't gonna take a week or two 
y/n :...................... your point?
Blondy: that I wouldn't be able to move back in for a while  .
y/n: we can work something out my love I don't see a reason to get upset . 
Blondy: I guess so 
y/n: I gotta go shake some ass oh yeah  how is grandma?
Blondy : shes good man she just asked about you she said she want you to come over 

y/n: tell her I'll be there tmr 
Blondy: okay  go shake some ass mama make sure you bring home a stack they ain't getting to watch my bitch for free now 
y/n: yes daddy 
Blondy: girl wth stop it 
y/n : lmao 
Blondy : ayo look at this tik tok 
y/n : bye Jahseh 
Blondy : wait 

I smirked at my phone and went back out easily making over $ 2,000. How was I going to hide the money  I thought I'm pretty sure she would go snooping through my stuff all moms did . So I asked Tennessee to hold it in her apartment for the night , she made more money than me so I don't think she would try to steal some of mine . I quickly changed into my pajamas before getting to my door , I pushed it open to see the dishes washed and a clean house I smiled and walked through seeing her in my bed peacefully laying down . 

I sunk in the bed next to her and easily fell asleep 

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