Chapter Forty-Six

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A formation of warlocks at any time of the day was eerie. A formation of them in a forest in the dead of night was straight up freaky. Standing her ground, Evie tried not to let them get to her. She could feel the dark magic emanating from them.

Everything about it felt wrong. Impure. Unholy.

Since Evie was young, she'd been taught against the use of dark magic. Even Castle Solum looked down upon it.

Dark magic came with consequences.

The warlock in the centre was still pointing her out. Bad news for her. It confirmed Caspian's suspicions. They weren't here to get through that portal. They were here for her.

Fucking warlocks. After thirty years, would it kill them to get a message?

According to them, Evie Wicker—Evette—was the biggest threat of all. Because she knew something or some shit that she shouldn't know.

Well, news to the warlocks- the day she learnt something about their stupid asses, she was 100% using it against them.

She lifted her sword higher. A sword she was no good at using. Hadn't she had this problem with the vampires too? She needed something smaller. This was too big.

But she'd fight with it anyway. These warlocks weren't here to take her away and use her powers. If the rumours about their doom was right, they were here to kill her.

She'd have to fight if she wanted to live.

"Stay behind me," Caspian said as they started to edge closer. "For the love of all things holy, stay behind me Evette."

She cracked her neck and squared her shoulders. "I've got this."

The demon scoffed. "I mean it Evette. If you die, I die. Believe it or not, I've got a few good centuries in me yet. Gods, this wasn't part of the plan."

He turned away from her, gulping, to face the warlocks.

It was a brave move on his part. He'd declared himself the leader. The target.

"What do you want here?" He asked, speaking on behalf of all of them. The warlocks said nothing. Go figure. "You want Evette? Of course you want Evette. She's back in the world and now you're all scared." Evie held her sword shakily as he spoke. She understood he was going for big and scary to ward them away, but it didn't make her feel so good about their chances.

No one liked being mocked. Internally, Evie crossed her fingers that these warlocks were passive.

"Are you not going to say anything?" Caspian demanded. "Freaky bastards. That's just like you, isn't it? You turn up to freak the shit out of everyone." He threw his arms out, yelling louder. "Well I've faced worse odds than you creepy fuckers. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. Well come on then! Fight us! You want Evette? You'll have to get through a gang of demons first."

Fires flared in his palms, readying for battle. Even then, she doubted they stood a chance.

The head warlock tilted his head at them, though they couldn't see anything of it.

He wasn't a big fan of Cas' speech, by the looks of it. But what choice did they have?

Evie glanced between the demon gathering and the formation of warlocks.

There was never any use in bringing a sword to a magic fight.

Basically, they were screwed.

"Fight us!" He called again.

"Uh, Caspian?" He turned to where she was looking. A warlock further down the formation was raising his hand. Something dark was coming from it. A dark fog. Then it shot out. When the mist latched onto one of the demons, he screamed in terror, tugged forwards. When the demon's body bashed against the floor, all that was left was a mass of clothes and bones.

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