Familiar Face

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Getting back into the swing of things meant having to visit the shoe room more often. Jimin decided not to join you for this visit. Normally he stuck to you like a mole you would have to get surgically removed, but the second you told him you were getting pointe shoes he was gone. He disappeared before your eyes to go to the bathroom. Fine, he can go ahead and do that. You'll just carry all the shoes yourself! It was kind of funny how much he didn't like pointe shoes. For Jimin, it was mainly the fact that you were going to bang them against the wall and he wanted to avoid hearing that sound at all costs. Fair enough.

So while Jimin was off fake pissing or whatever, you made your way to the shoe room. Taehyung was there with the door open. He let you inside since he didn't have time to retrieve shoes for people. Right now Taehyung was in the middle of trying to organize shoes so that ballerinas would have more in their slots while also checking on his team in the costume room nearby. He needed to make sure they labelled the outfits for Romeo and Juliet correctly. Eventually it would be time to do a fitting so Taehyung was scrambling to do it all. Fighting!

Taehyung is a legend here. He definitely would have put Jimin to work to help him even for just a few minutes. It didn't matter to Taehyung if Jimin was the so-called star of SNB. He'll put the star to work and make him look good on stage! You were smiling at the thought as you walked through the room. The smell of the new pointe shoes was strong in the air. There was something about the new materials that left you with good memories. The shoe room had a high ceiling with tall storage cubes lining the walls and creating thin aisles. Each of them were stuffed with pointe shoes with a label under a dancer's name. That was mainly for the women. At the back of the room were the soft ballet shoes for men and the ones you used during barre work. Those ones were just organized by size.

It was quiet in the shoe room. No one spoke and all you could really hear was the squeaky wheel of Taehyung's cart anytime he moved it to the other side of the room. Your footsteps were soft scraps against the concrete floor. Looking around you, the cubes felt endless and the aisles narrow. Two people walking through would be a tight squeeze. It wasn't a worry of yours as you searched for your name. Your ballet shoes were made by a specific maker you trusted and were handmade like most pointe shoes. You knew where to find it yet the issue of bumping into another person came true. Your eyes were so focused on finding your name tag that you ended up colliding with someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You instantly took steps back to give the person their space. You didn't even think there was someone else in the shoe room with you. The first thing you did was apologize even if you were confused. That was until you saw who it was and the situation didn't feel so accidental anymore.

"My mistake, Unnie. I couldn't see holding my pointe shoes." Yumi adjusted the bag in her arms. She shifted it to the side so she could view you better. The smile on her face looked innocent enough and it didn't help that her short bob was perfectly shaped around her face.

"It's alright." You bowed before standing flat against the storage cubes so she could pass. It was clear that you didn't want to start a conversation with her. Surely she had other things to do and you wanted to avoid getting in a bad mood today. The innocent demeanor Yumi held wasn't going to work with you, but she knew that even with her doll-like smile. "I'll let you get going."

"Actually Unnie, I wanted to talk to you. It's such a shame our conversation was cut short the last time we spoke. I didn't mean to intrude so much on your lunch time." Yumi bowed her head. Your smile was tight from this new interaction. You took the halfhearted apology as if she wasn't intruding on your personal time right now as well. The only difference this time was that you didn't have Jimin around. That was probably for the better seeing as you wanted to stand up to her yourself.

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