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Jimin was exhausted from Raymonda performances, but it wasn't over yet. He still had next week to finish up. You had no doubt in your mind Jimin could do it! He had Sunday off so you knew he would look forward to that. He might just sleep that entire day. Who knows? But you were most excited for seeing a less stressed and overworked Jimin. He's been so busy with rehearsals and shows that you couldn't wait for all of that to be off his plate. Would he be more cheerful when talking to you and the guys? Only time would tell.

"So you finally came to pick me up for lunch." Jimin slowly stepped out of the Nijinsky studio.

"I had to talk to my coach, you weirdo. I'm here, aren't I?" You held your arms out to prove your presence. It wasn't enough?

After company class was rehearsal and you were busy with The Nutcracker. They were running the second act in full as much as they could. You were experiencing your own pain. After finishing your variation, you would be down on the ground begging for water. Every rehearsal you had to die on the floor in order to be invincible on stage. That was the motto Miss Novikov loved while you were convinced you would be left to rot on the dance floor. It wasn't too bad honestly and it was lunch now too, so you got a nice break. Hwanwoong had to go to the bathroom which left you alone for the job of chaperoning the star of SNB. Of course, the only issue came with Jimin.

"What have I said about weirdo? It's banned." Jimin narrowed his eyes on you.

"Right, right." You nodded as he extended his arm out to you. As usual, Jimin grasped your hand. You weren't sure if it was necessary anymore with how happy Mister Dupont is with both of your progress, but Jimin liked it. It baffled your coworkers at first, but you also hold Hwanwoong's hands at times. That seemed to kill off any rumors of you dating Jimin, so you were happy. "I should go back to calling you creepy. I miss that and I think it still stands."

"Don't you dare." Jimin squeezed your hand.

"Aw, no. Now you're hurting me." You pouted. He could tell it was a complete lie as he tugged you, forcing you to keep up with his walking pace. Such a gentleman.

Honestly, if Jimin and you were sweeter with each other then maybe the rumor would still be lingering. He's pretty cold with you even with everything that you know about him. He lowered some walls for you yet they seem to have gone up again. Maybe he'll have an easier time bringing them down with you again if the two of you ever have another serious talk. Otherwise, Jimin and you were back to bickering and poking at each other for fun. Still, you'd say the two of you were a lot closer even with his glares and insults.

You were in a good mood up until you both bumped into Yumi in the corridor. With your lips pursing, you were hoping to just pass by her. It's been a good while since the two of you had chatted and you were hoping it would stay that way. Jimin glanced down at you just as Yumi raised her hand, smiling innocently at you guys. She bothered you to a ridiculous extent and sometimes you felt crazy for it. What if her smiles were real? But then her words never felt sincere. Was your brain playing tricks with you or was she?

"(F/n)! It's been a while since we've talked! You know, me and the rest of the corps de ballet girls miss you." Yumi started up a conversation before you could keep walking. Jimin only stayed silent as you faced Yumi with a weak smile.

"Oh really? They can always talk to me if they want. In the locker room or during rehearsals." You shrugged, attempting to be casual about it. If they wanted to talk to you then they would and they have before. You weren't too fond of the weird guilt tripping Yumi was doing and you hoped you weren't overthinking it.

"Ah, is that so? I don't know, it just feels so hard to talk to you these days." Yumi gave a cute pout. "You used to be so close, but you've gotten busy with all your principal friends. You're not really talking to us anymore."

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