Gifts - Chp 39

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Through these pages I find so many questions, I scribed upon countless pages with frustration and aching. They are pleas for closure, answers to bring me a tranquil mind. The humor of the world though is that we desire like some raw and hungry beast for answers, for all our lives riddles to be solved yet once the answers touch our fragile ears we pray to be able to erase. My hands shake as I put ink to paper; my mind feels elsewhere yet my hand moves across the page with earnest needing to get my thoughts onto paper. My mind is spiraling out of my grasp, slipping through my fingers like I believed Lucille was. I laid awake at night aching, I felt like she had slipped through like sand and she had moved on, she had found the light and realized she deserved so much better. How wrong I was though, the truth terrifies me, I feel useless as I sit in this quiet and empty house. I ache with need to be by her side, to be able to embrace her and comfort her in this tough time, to hold her as she falls apart as she remembers that I’ll always be there for her. She needs me now, more than ever. I still cannot believe it though; Roberto – her father – is dead. – Jacob Iris

“Hey sweetheart.” Luc murmured offering me that smile that made me fall in love with him, leaning over the console.

“Hey baby.” I breathed, panting softly as my lips met him, the kiss gentle and soft at first to only deepen as his hands cupped my face and his fingers knotted in my hair the car console digging into my ribs.

“I missed you.” He breathed against my lips, his nose resting upon me as my lashes fluttered against my cheek dazed and hypnotized once again.

I smiled softly into his touch “I’m here now.” I breathed running my fingers through his hair soothingly.

With two weeks passed since that explosive weekend of multiple near death experiences and countless secrets revealed and questions answered Lucas and I struggled to be apart without being anxious and worried. No matter the distance or time all both of us can think and worry about is the state the other is in, all I can picture in my head during those agonizing moments is the sight of Lucas in my vision against that tree and cornered, or him unconscious and vulnerable in that big empty bed.

Two weeks doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t change anything.

“Mmmm,” Lucas hummed wiggling his nose against mine, a touch I was becoming quite fond of “why don’t we make good use of the time in the backseat of my car?” he suggested with a husk wiggling those taunting brows.

I gasped laughing as I whacked him despite the flare that rippled through my form “I’m all sweaty and smelly!” I protested pulling away in laughter.

Luc tugged me closer ‘till we were back, face pressed to face “But that’s how it’s meant to be.” he murmured “Hot,” he breathed “sweaty” his voice dropped a level “and so freaking amazing.” He husked latching on my lower lip with his teeth and giving it a tug.

I released a ragged sigh, my eyes closing as I leant further into his body. God this man was perfection, he had my heart racing still and he still managed to make me smile no matter what we faced. After all the crap that had been going on he still managed to make me feel safe and optimistic, he made me feel like together we could take on the world no matter what. He was my backbone and savior; this man certainly earned my heart and more.

“I want a shower.” I sighed reluctantly as I pulled back and buckled into my seat. I knew damn well if we got carried away in the backseat of Lucas’ car – which definitely wouldn’t be a first – I’d be home late and my Nan wouldn’t be giving me another second chance or a third or even a tenth.

Lucas nodded easily, not protesting which I loved about him, before turning back to the front and starting the car up as he put the car into gear the both of us ready to leave Keith’s and go home. I had to be home on time or my Nan would flip it, plus a tremendous pile of ever growing homework that I demanded Lucas to help me with plus I really wanted that shower.

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