Gifts - Chp 18

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Some things happen in odd ways, peculiar and you find absolutely no reasoning. I'm living these moments daily. I'm living a darker and drearier life more and more these days, I'm facing conflicts; my mother’s passing, the support that I am to supply for my sheltered family and my Lucille’s family who disprove of our love. I long for the day when just one thing goes right, I'm afraid of what’s happening. Or rather lack of. I'm struggling to find anything to extend furthermore, and I'm beginning to think I should just give up, maybe nothing will ever happen, and maybe there are utterly no answers. I craved answers, an understanding. I am growing more and more unsure, what was I to do with myself? I was only sure about one thing in my life and that was; Lucille was my soul mate. – Jacob Iris

“Holly, are you even listening to me?”

“Huh?” I asked my head snapping up sharply causing me to wince and rub out the fresh kink at the back of my neck now.

My Nan sighed sadly shaking her head, though I could see the slight smile twitching at her lips “You are off in another world these days.” She murmured curiosity and suspicion coating her words.

I ran my tongue along my teeth as I hesitated before shrugging in hope of acting carelessly, innocent. “School’s been hectic and all, I mean it’s getting serious with the work load and all.” I said avoiding looking into her eyes.

“And there is also the fact to take into consideration about the new boy.” She taunted with a wicked smile. That’s what I loved about my Nan; she could joke about. “How is he, anyways?” she added, giving me an extra mental prod in the stomach.

I blushed again running my tongue along my teeth as I suddenly became very addicted to my cup of tea, which scalded my tongue. I fought but the grimace as I took a long gulp. I pulled back hoping that she believed my now red luscious cheeks were from the scalding tea I had just sculled back in one. I sighed brushing the hair of mine from my eyes before I looked up at her, avoiding her eyes as I said in hopefully a convincing voice “I'm not sure. I don’t talk to him every second of the day.” I said shrugging to add to the affect.

Suddenly my phone vibrated silently in my pocket and I resisted the smile on my lips. Yeah right, that was him right now with the text. Just the fact that he was texting me (which was beyond constantly) bought me giddy and weak to my knees. That boy did things to me that made me so….

Nan smirked at me “Sure dear, whatever keeps you breathing.” She chortled softly as she made her way to the lounge room to turn on the TV to watch the morning shows.

I bit my bottom lip as a silly smile glided its way across my lips, picking up my plate and mug I took it to the sink and plopped them in the sink and began to wash up my mess. That was one downfall of Nan, she didn’t have a dishwasher, but with only two people in the household it was pointless and when it came to water and such she was conservative.

Halfway through my scrubbing of the saucepan Nan had used to make her porridge the doorbell rang with the irritating jingle that I loathed. If you’re going to have a doorbell jingle at least get something good right? Something you could sing along to. I could hear Nan shuffle and struggle as she got out of her chair and walked for the door.

Paying no attention in slightest to the people talking I continued scrubbing and feeling my fingers turn to wrinkles I giggled as I blew a soap suds out of my palm and it hit the window making a pop.

As I blew the hair out of my eyes Nan suddenly appeared behind me with a big smug grin on her face as she said brightly, almost childishly “Liar.”

I frowned at her until I looked over her shoulder to see Luc leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded and a hypnotizing amused expression on his features as he’d watched me fool around with the soap suds. “Are we forgetting school?” he questioned with a teasing grin.

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