Chapter 2 - Your only a kid!

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Aizawa POV:

"Hey kid, are you okay?" He only scoffed at the question, "I want an answer to MY question." I was a bit shocked, he seemed like he didn't trust us. He probably doesn't recognize me as a hero-

"I'm pro-hero Eraserhead, your in safe hands kid." The goat kid looked confused, and at the same time like he was about to laugh. "Heroes don't exist you idiot, there is no such thing as a hero." Recovery Girl looked like she was about to cry, I myself, felt horrible for this kid.

What on earth has he gone through?

"How old are you?" I decided to change the topic. "17." He said, in an almost ice-cold tone. I was honestly surprised, I thought he was much younger. But even still, those scars don't look recent enough to have recurred within the last few years.

"Should we get the detective?" Recovery Girl whispered to me, I think he heard. His goat ears flickering. "Are you going to be ok with someone questioning you?" She asked. He looked weary, but agreed.

Tubbo POV:

"He'll come by to question you tomorrow, but for now I'll give you an empty dorm to stay at" Eraserhead said. "Also what is you name?" He followed with. "Tubbo." Was the only thing I said, I'm indifferent about them. It seems like they want to help, but I still don't trust them.

I was led to my temporary room, we passed some kids on the way there. They all gave me glances when I walked by, although I couldn't blame them, I was a stranger to them.

"I'll come get you tomorrow at 5am, goodbye." Eraserhead said before turning away, I mittered a thanks which he seemed to appreciate and he was gone. 'I'm already bored' I thought to myself, but I saw some gray box in the corner. It had a thingy with a cord and a keyboard, it looked like the thing we used for chat. But less cool-

I saw a red button on the left corner, so of course I pressed it. The gray box had a panel that turned on and I saw a few things on the panel, some of them called Google, Paint, FireFox, and.. a bin? 'What is all this crap?' I thought to myself.

There was a little white arrow on screen, I eventually figured out that the box thing on a cord moved the arrow on the screen. I tried to see if I could do anything with those icons on the screen, I dragged the arrow to the Paint icon. But nothing happened, then I saw that there were 2 panels on the small box with a cord thing. When I clicked the left one nothing happened, so I did it again and another panel opened.

As the name suggested I could paint using the arrow, I've never seen anything like this before so I played around with it for hours.

5:00 AM

I was brought out of my trance when I heard knocking. "Enter." I said, it was Eraserhead. "It's time for the questioning."

I got up and followed him to a blank room, almost white walls with a very detailed looking set of chairs and a table. 'Who would spend so much time on a chair?' I internally giggled to myself. "Hello Tubbo." It was this weird guy in a trenchcoat, "I'm going to be questioning you today." He followed, I say down on the other chair and looked at him. Eraserhead leaving the room, I didn't like the look this dude was giving me.

"What's your name?" He said, "You already know, it's Tubbo." I said confused, "Your full name." He continued.

"Tubbo Underscore Schlatt-Beloved."

"How old are you?"


"Any family?"

I gritted my teeth, "Yes, my husband and son"

He looked very surprised, "And you are 17, correct?"



He looked like he was questioning himself something.

"How did you get those scars?"


'Did he really just ask that?' I thought to myself. After a few seconds of composing myself I answered.

"War, many wars."

He looked like he was horribly saddened, almost crying.

"Why did you join a war? Who let a kid join a war?!"


"Isn't that the duty of a soldier?" I asked, slightly confused. It was normal to join a war at this age, almost guaranteed.

He stayed silent before starting again.

"When was your first?"

"When I was 10."

"Are you still at war..?"


"Not at the moment, no. Conflict has ended for now."

"Any other.. occupations you've had since then?"


"Would you like to name then please?"

"Sure, uumm. I was a soldier for L'manburg, second-hand man for Manburg, spy for Pogtopia and president of L'manburg. [Hope I didn't miss anything]

And my current occupation is the president of Snowchester co-owner of the Bee&Boo Hotel."

"Your only a kid.." He said, sadness dripping from his words.

"I don't get it?" I said, he was talking nonsense at this point.

"Your only a kid!"

847 words

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