That One Fateful Day...

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Sora POV

I woke up, ready to start this new day, I had a shower and got dressed in my usual outfit. After I did that, I walked downstairs from my cyan coloured room & was greeted by Alex and Light who were the only one's up. "Hey sora!" Said Alex. "Morning!" I said. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook myself breakfast until he came...

Jaxx POV

Once I woke up, I got dressed. I was to lazy to take a shower. I walked over to the dining room where I saw my rival. Sora. He was in the kitchen cooking something so I decided to annoying him like the "great" friend I am.

Nobody's POV

Jaxx walked in and tried to annoy Sora but he just ignored him. He just decided to stop and grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. (I won't write what they did while making their breakfast since there was no interactions.) Jaxx walked over to the dining table where he started to talk to light. About 5 minutes later Levi came and sat down next to his BFF Alex. Sora came out of the kitchen and sat down. He said "If anyone is hungry, I made some extra bacon and eggs, they are in the microwave if you want them." Since Levi was STARVING, he went and got some of the breakfast Sora has made since In his opinion, Sora made the best food. After 30 minutes of everyone just chatting, they went to do their own thing. Alex & Charli went to watch anime, luca and light just fought over Charli, Jaxx went to his room to play Video Games. Levi and sora decided to go for a walk in the park since they were BoReD. When they came back. Levi went to go watch anime with Alex and Charli while Sora went to his room. He was standing outside it when he heard weird noises. He barged in and saw Jaxx ruining all of his stuff. Even his last picture with his grandma before she vanished. (No she ain't ded, she just moved to another country for retirement. Which his parents never told him.) Sora was so heartbroken that he shouted something outrageous.

Jaxx POV

I heard Levi and Sora going to the park, so I decided to mess with him >:). I snuck into his room and trashed it. I threw most of his clothes on the ground and I smashed his secret chest open. There were diaries and old photo's. I decided to rip all the photo's when I saw a piece of paper sticking out of one of his diaries. I read it, it said "I can't believe she's gone... she meant so much to me... only thing I have left of her is my final photo with her..." Jaxx saw a photo on the ground that he ripped up with Sora and someone who looked really old. He knew he messed up badly. Then he heard the front door open, he knew he was done for.

Nobody's POV

Sora started to get teary eyed once he saw his chest smashed open. He noticed his photo with his grandma on the floor all ripped up. He looked inside his closet and saw the culprit. None other than his red headed rival, Jaxx. Before jaxx could speak. Sora started to cry his eyes out and shouted.. "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE... IM DONE!" He ran out of the room with tears cascading down his cheeks...

Alex POV

I heard shouting and it sounded like Sora. I went to his room and saw Jaxx inside it. I couldn't believe the mess. I said "What did you do!?" Jaxx responded "I was trying to do a prank, I broke open his chest he said not to touch and I ruined his last memory with his grandma.." Alex was shocked. She ran down to see Levi Comforting Sora who looked very pale. I heard Sora say "I'm done, I can't live like this anymore..." and ran out of the house. Luckily I'm really fast and caught up to him and stopped him. "Sora don't go! I know he ruined your memory but.." Sora interrupted saying "HES DONE THIS WITH MY DOG ASWELL, HE BROKE THE PENDANT I HAD WHICH HAD ME, MY PARENTS, MY SISTER AND MY DOG. I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE ALEX!" Alex started to tear up. "Sora, please don't go! We will all miss you to much!" "Well clearly not all of you, im going and maybe this will all be better. Tell Levi, Charli, Luca & Light that I'm sorry but I cant make my life a living hell/heck and have more of my memories recked." He then got in a car which looked like an uber and drove off. Alex ran back inside to share the news to all of the members that Sora was not gonna be apart of the squad anymore....

First chapter done! Hope you all enjoyed and ill try get another chapter out later today or tomorrow!

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