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4 months later

Sora POV

Alex gives birth in a week, and I thought if I should adopt a kid so 1: Me and Jaxx could be parents and make our wish come true and 2: So that Alex & Levi's kid has a friend to play with all the time. I decided to tell Jaxx my idea. "Light, do you know where Jaxx is?" I asked. "Mhm, he's in his room playing games with Luca." Light responded while eating his gummy worms. "Thanks Light!" I then went to his room and knocked.

Jaxx POV

I was playing video games with Luca when all of a sudden I heard a knock. "I'll answer it, keep playing." Luca then went to answer the door. I looked over and I saw Sora talking to Luca. Then Luca left and Sora sat next to me. "Babe, I have an idea...." He explains it to Jaxx
Wait, we are gonna be parents? I started tearing up "Only if you want-" but before he could continue, I interrupted him and said "YES I WOULD LOVE TO!" Sora then grabbed my hand and yeeted me into Alex's room where she was eating marshmallows with chips/crisps (Pregnancy cravings can be so weird so i came up with the 1st 2 things that came to my head XD) She looked over confused. Sora told her the idea and she looked really excited. "That's a great idea!!" She then grabbed me and Sora and yeeted us (The squad likes to yeet everyone) into her car. We drove about 45 minutes to the adoption center then she lead us in and went to the receptionist. "Hi, my 2 friends are looking to adopt, do you have any babies? Around the age of just born to 1 years old?" She asked. "We do actually and your in luck! There is a baby with Blue hair that is 3 months old and is called Bentley." All 3 of us walked into the room where all the babies were. We were walking to Bentley's crib when I saw Sora looking over at another crib. From what I could read, it's name was Jasper and had red hair. Sora then asked the receptionist if after we looked at Bentley, we could look at Jasper. The woman looked shocked and said "Nobody has wanted Jasper because he has burn marks all over his arms. It's quite sad honestly, he's been waiting to be adopted ever since his house burnt down in suspicious Circumstances." Sora looked shocked that the baby went through that. He then said before we even got to Bentley "We will take them both!" The lady looked happy and brought us to a room to fill out their adoption certificates. Me and Sora both signed then the lady gave us 2 high chairs, 2 cribs, 2 car seats and a couple toys that Jasper loved to play with.
45 minutes later
Sora was telling Sona about what happened and from what I heard, she was so excited. (I should say this now, Bentley is 3 months old, while Jasper is 8 months old. When they say Dad, they are talking to Jaxx, when they say papa, they are talking to Sora, ok back to the story!) We got home and everyone was there. They congratulated us and saw the babies. Charli and Sona may of had a mental freak out when they saw them because they were screaming and running around the house for about 30 minutes. We built their cribs and re-arranged the seats at the dinner table so the high chairs could fit. My dream had come true. I was finally a father. Yes they weren't my biological children, but blood doesn't mean they aren't family.
2 days pass

Levi POV

We were 2 days away from Alex's due date and decided to bring her to the hospital. I decided to invite Sora and Sona since they have been my best friends for years. We arrived and were brought to a pregnancy room. Alex put on the patients uniform and laid in her bed. "Dont worry sweetie, this will be fine! Think about how happy you will be when you hold the baby." Alex sounded relieved. The doctor's came in and started Alex's contractions. Sora eventually had to leave as Jaxx wanted to take him to The Diner but he promised he would come back after.
About 7 hours later

Sora POV

I got back around 2 hours ago from me and Jaxx's date. Levi and Sona were asleep so I decided to stay up with Alex. Then I heard her scream. I tapped Levi and he bolted up. "I think Alex is in labour!" Levi pressed a button and the nurse's came. They were telling her to push while Levi held her hand tight. I was just saying along with Sona "You can do this Alex! Get through the pain!" And 3 minutes of pushing later, a baby girl was born.

Levi POV

I was now a father! They cut the cord then the baby started crying. "Congrats! you have given birth to a healthy baby girl! What will you call her?" Alex said I could come up with the name so I thought of a name that combined both of our names. "Lexi is her name, short for Alexis." The Doctor had a bright smile and said "I'll go fill out the birth certificate! Congrats again." Sora was on the phone with his grandma to tell her about Alex giving birth. After he ended the call, 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. Sora answered it and Sally came in "Oh dear, I'm so proud of you! What is her name?" "Alexis" I responded "I can't believe I have 3 great grandchildren now!" She said because she counts all of the squad as family. Alex took a nap as she was exhausted and she should be. She was so amazing today. I kissed her and said "You did great honey, you did great." Sally and Me then fell asleep. Sora promised to stay up all night.

3 days later

Me and Sora were in the hospital with Alex for 3 days. Yes Sora had to go home for a few hours each day to look after his kids, but he always returned with a different squad member(s) each time! It was the day Alex got to go home and Sora decided to drive since he got his drivers license. We got home and everyone congratulated Alex. They had already bought stuff for Lexi and put it next to Jasper & Bentley's stuff. We decided to go to bed since it was midnight. Sora, Charli and Charlotte stayed up all night watching the babies. I couldn't ask for better friends.

Ok ik I said I would do a back story of each squad member. But I wanted to get this chapter out first. Thanks for your support guys! Love you all and peace out!

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