Happiness, Feelings & Comforting.

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Charli POV

Most People left the room so if Sora was going to wake up, he wouldn't feel anxious because of all the people in the room. Me, Sona, Levi & Sally stayed in the room. "H-huh?" A voice said weakly. I looked over at Sona and she was crying tears of happiness. "SORA!!!" She ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Sally was crying aswell. "S-s-sona?" Another weak question was heard. That time i knew it was Sora who was talking. "W-why am I here? And w-why are you guys h-here?" Sora asked. "I'll explain it all when your feeling a bit better, but we have more people here to see you!" Sona exclaimed happily.

Alex POV

It was my turn to see Sora again. But before I went in I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Jaxx. "Alex, are you sure I should go in? What if he passes out due to seeing me again. After all it was me that caused this..." I sighed "I guess your right. I'd say wait 2 days then come in. A muffled yes was heard. I walked into the room and my eyes were filled with joy. "S-sora!" I ran up to him and squeezed him tight. I have known him for about 7 years so ofcourse I wanted to hear him speak again. Who wouldn't? After Light came in. We said "That's everyone." But Sora looked confused. Not because of why he was here. But who wasn't here. "Where is my rival?" Sora said mumbling rival. "We thought it might not be best for you guys to interact right away." He nodded signifying he understood. "How long have I been here?" "About 1 month according to what I've heard." Sona said.
After about 2 hours of talking, Sora fell asleep.
We better go, he must be tired from all that drama that happened. "Agreed." Everyone in the room said. "I'll stay here with him, incase he wakes up and wants to catch up on what happened while he was out." Sona said calmly and quietly.

Sora POV

I woke up from my nap and saw Sona here. "Where d-did everyone go?" I asked confused. "They went to their hotel to get some rest, it's been a busy past few weeks I can tell you that much. "I can't believe I saw grandma again.. its been 13 long years, hasn't it?" A mhm was heard. "So can you tell me about yourself? How is university and how close you are to becoming a doctor!" I said happily. "Well, university is great. I missed everyone alot but I knew you would be proud of me. I did my last month of university on zoom since i was here in texas and... I GOT MY MEDICAL DEGREE!" I was so proud of her. She always wanted to take care of people in need and I can say proudly that i was her first patient. "So, I was your first patient, eh?" We bursted out laughing. "Ok, ok, I'll tell you why you are here now and how me and grandma got here."

After explaining for about an hour.

Wow, I can't believe I did all that. And even Jaxx was worried? And he was the one who got grandma and Sona here? "Wow, I was not expecting that... Sona I think its Time to tell you." She had a excited look on her face. I took a deep breath out and said "I'm bi. I found out 2 years ago and ive wanted to tell you for so long." Sona looked amazed. "I SUPPORT YOU BROTHER!!" I let out a sniffle "thanks, it means alot. And I have a crush..." She looked excited "Who!!" I knew she was gonna be shocked but... "It's Jaxx... he may of bullied me but there was always something deep down in my heart that kept my love going." After that stress was finally out of me. Sona went to the hotel to take a nap. I shut off my room lights and fell asleep. What a day this was, what a day.

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