One Memory Never To Be Forgotten

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Alex POV

I was driving to the fanciest mall i knew which was about 1 and a half hours away. Sora looked a bit hurt? I knew Sona saw it in him aswell. I stopped at a gas station and asked Sora. "Sora, we know something is up, can you tell us?" Sora sighed "I can't hide it anymore. You remember when I ran away? I was so depressed that I kinda ended up cutting into my arms- I tried to stop but theres just this thing in the back of my mind that tells me keep going... i hate it but I always follow it." Sora then showed us his arms, bloodshot red they were. "We gotta take you to the hospital so they don't get infected-" Sora looked happy "Thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without u-  OW. They sting alot..."
After a 30 minute detour to the hospital
The Doctor came out with Sora and said "It's nothing to serious, luckily u caught it on time before it got infected. He will need to wear bandages for the next 3 months & apply this cream twice a week. Thank you for your time!" Then he walked off "Phew, wasn't bad!" Sora sighed
After 1 hour of driving to the mall
We arrived and I made sure I had atleast 10k in my purse. We walked to the jewelry store 1st and Sora found something he loved "Look! It's 2 red and cyan yin-yang rings!" He exclaimed happily. He walked up to the register and bought it with his own money that i payed him? "Sora, I can buy it-" I got cut off. "Wait before u say anything, I got you, levi, charli & Light these." They were yin-yangs aswell with pink and black for me and levi, then orange and purple for charli and light! "TYSM Sora!!" I shouted happily. "Also Sona, I bought you, Clover and Charlotte these bracelets which has your 3 colours on it :D" Sona looked so happy "I LOVE THEM!" "Oh I forgot! I got luca this necklace which says Bff's Forever! It's one of those where they split apart and connect, it's for Charli and Luca!" Then he looked like he remembered something. He dragged us to a bakery and said "Hi, I put in an order for a 2 tier cake? Under the name Sora." "Yup, here you go!" And we walked out. He showed us it and it had all of our character designs! "It's the least I could do for you guys since you took care of me all those months back. Btw I didn't forget about my grandma. I got her this diamond ring which has me and Sona Imprinted on the diamond." Sona let out a tear "Your the best brother I could ask for!" Then we all hugged as we walked out of the mall.
1 hour and 30 mins later
Before I could say anything, Sora shouted "GET YO BUTTOX'S DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, I HAVE SUMIN." Me and Sona laughed. We all sat down at the couch/sofa as Sora handed out gifts! He did it in alphabetical order except leaving Jaxx for last. He gulped as he got down on one knee "Jaxx, I've loved you for the longest time I can remember and I'm proud to say that your my boyfriend, but I wanna take it further, will you marry me?" We were all recording as everyone had tears in their eyes. "YESSSSSS!!! I WILL!" They kissed each other then Sora shouted "ITS OFFICIALLLL!!!" We all sat down after congratulating them and ate the cake Sora bought. Sally then came home and Sora showed her Jaxx and his rings. Saying she cried is an understatement, she was balling tears of happiness "Im so p-proud of you Sora!" She hugged her grandson and her new Grandson-In-Law. We were all so happy. Everyone decided to do a Q&a video now and we made up the last question ourselves which was "Is anyone in the squad married/getting married?" Sora and Jaxx said together "We are getting married <3" Then everyone cheered as their roblox characters kissed.

1 day later

Sora POV

Yesterday was the best best day of my life, I finally get to marry the one ive loved for years! I decided to look at the comments on the video and they were all supporting saying "OMG CANON!!" "WHEN IS THE WEDDING, I MUST SHOW UP" or "IF ANYONE OBJECTS THIS WEDDING, IM SHOWING UP WITH A GUN AND SHOOTING THEM RIGHT THERE AND THEN." I sniffled as Jaxx walked over and started reading the comments aswell. We laughed and kissed a few times. I told Jaxx about My condition and he says "Aslong as I'm safe and healthy, that's what matters." I kissed him then went to bed. I loved this month so much. Its the best month of my life!

Next chapter will be a description of all the characters (Damien won't be in it this time as he ain't showing up anymore) it will include stuff like sexuality, background story and a few more things! Thanks for the support guys!!!! Love you all <3

Fateful Events ~Inquisitormaster~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant