Finally! After all these years!

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Alex POV

*Wakes up* yawns oh wow, the sun is really bright. I guess that's because I'm in a tropical paradise though. Anyways let me get dressed and go down to the cafeteria and get breakfast. *after getting dressed and eating breakfast* hm it's 9:30, a bit late for me to start my jog but I'll do it. After all it's for a good cause!

*20 minutes of jogging later*

Hm I see a big building in the distance, I wonder if that is the retirement home. I run up to it and yup it is. There's a big sign saying "Suva Retirement Home." I walk in and ask reception if they know a "Sally Theresa." I explain to her all the details and she pops her head up from the computer. "Yup! You have the right spot. Why are you here though?" The receptionist questioned. I responded saying "My friend is in a coma and Sally is his grandma, the Dr said if we can find people he loves. He may awake from his coma." The receptionist looks confused but also understanding. She gave me the details and a key card. I went to her room and swiped my key and to unlock the door. "Whooo is thereee?" An old voice asks. "Hi miss, I'm Alex" Alex responds. "Wait, I haveee heard my graaandson mention an Alex beforeeee." The old woman says. Alex walks into the Living room and sees her for the 1st time. For a 70 year old, she looks quite good. "Ah yes, it is you deeeear! Please take a seat and tell me how my littleeeee grandson and granddaughter is!" "Well I have good and bad news, the good news is your granddaughter Sona is fulfilling her dream of becoming a medical doctor at university!" I can hear Sally sniffle "Im so p- proud of her!" She says with a tear coming out of her eye. "But the bad news is... Sora isn't doing so well. I'll tell you the whole story." Alex explains everything. "Ohh my god dear, I have to comeee help h-hi-him immediately!" Sally says while tearing up. "I go back to Texas tomorrow. I can book you a flight if you need?" Alex says while holding tears back. "P-please dear, I would do anything to see my grandson a-again."

*2 days pass*

We arrived back in Texas. I let Sally stay in the squad mansion for right now. Luca & Light loved Sally! She cooked, cleaned and even did the washing! (which nobody apparently does...) Suddenly. I get a phone call from Levi and say they are back in Houston! I tell levi saying "Drive Sona and yourself to the squad mansion. We will reunite the family!"

Levi POV

I gave Jaxx the details of where Charli was staying so he could meet up with her. After a 3 hour drive, I got to the squad mansion. I walked in with Sona and her eyes lit up when she saw Alex. "ALEX!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Sona responds with happy tears falling from her eyes. "I MISSED YOU ASWELL SONA!" They gave eachother a big hug! "But there's somebody else I think you might wanna see!" Sona was confused but when Alex open the door to Sora's room. She saw someone she thought she would never see again. "GRANDMA! OMG I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOU, ITS BEEN A DECADE!" Sally had tears cascading down her cheeks. But not sad ones, no, these were happy ones! "Sonaaa, my deeear I missed you s-so much!" After catching up with everything. Well we have 1 thing left to do, and that is to reunite the final piece of the puzzle.

Jaxx POV

I asked Charli if she could take me to the hospital. She agreed and we got a bus there since I didn't wanna drive. We got there and went into Sora's room. I have never seen him in such a bad state before. And to think this was all because of me... I went up to Sora and I knew he couldn't hear me but I told him how i felt. About me having feelings for him and if he could hear this. I hope they could start a new bond together and forget about the past. Charli stood outside until i told her to come in. Tomorrow we were reuniting Sora with his sister and grandma. I was so excited until I heard gun shots. Charlotte was in the waiting room of the hospital and she was screaming. I ran down and saw Charlotte in tears. I asked her to tell me what happened and she said. "W-well I invited my s-si-sister over to comfort me when my brother, Damien, who used to be Sora's bff c-came in and kidnapped her. I know where they went though. C-can you call the police?" "Sure. I'll help you get your sister back and arrest that crook!"
After 911 was called
"Please show us where the kidnapper took the lady." The officer said with a stern face. "He is at this address..." Charlotte says as she gets in the car with the cops.

Charlotte POV

Please don't hurt her, please don't hurt her. I was whispering and praying that Damien wouldnt do anything. Luckily we got there and before he set the house on fire. The cops tazed him. "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK, NOW! ANYTHING YOU SAY OR DO WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF LAW! YOU ARE BEING ARRESTED FOR: KIDNAPPING, VANDALISING PROPERTY AND TRYING TO GIVE 2 PEOPLE SEVERE BURNS!" Damien went silent. I got out and retrieved Clover. "Your safe, phew," is all I could mutter out. "Thank god he's going to jail. He threatened to stab me." I quickly said to her "tell the police officers that, he will be put away for longer." The tow truck was called to take Damien's car away and we got in the car to go back to the hospital.

Jaxx POV

"Are you guys ok? I was worried for you!" I said. After explaining what went down. I now know why sora has burn marks. That crook tried to burn him alive! Charli came down. Yawns. "Dont you guys think we should go to the hotel? It's 11 pm!" Charli said sleepily. "Sure, Clover can you drive us?" Charlotte said. "Sure! It's the least I can do since you guys saved my life!"
*when they got to the hotel*
Charlotte and Clover Slept in the guest room, Charli slept in her room & I just went to sleep on the couch processing what happened today. Alex called me and explained they were bringing Sona & Sora's grandma to the hospital tomorrow. All i could think about was "Dang, tomorrow is gonna be a crazy and eventful day." Then I fell asleep.

Thanks for the support guys! I managed to squeeze out a 3rd chapter today! Hope you enjoyed :D Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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