Traveling Time

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Alex POV

I told the fans on Instagram that I was gonna take a break & that charli, luca and light were gonna be the only one's on the channel for a little bit. So I booked my tickets to Fiji. I'm there for a week. I go in 3 days so I decided to get all of my summer clothes into a bag. Luca was the only other person home because light went to buy more gummy worms. So he helped me pack and I was ready for the day I go!

Levi POV

So we arrived in the uk. Very bad weather I must say, its been raining for the past 3 days non-stop. So we decided to take our chance when the rain wasn't on. Jaxx stayed at the hotel as Sona wouldn't know him. There were 3 parts of the University so we decided to do Section A and B today. We asked all the receptionists that were there and they said they didnt know a "Sona Theresa." So we knew she had to be in section C.

2 days later

Because of the rain, Charlotte got a little sick so we stayed at the hotel for the whole of yesterday. Charlotte still wasnt feeling well so Jaxx decided to come with me. We arrived at section C and they said they knew her! Her room was on the 2nd floor and the number was 24. We went up the elevator and knocked on the door. I was so excited to see Sona again. I still remember the last time i saw her....


Me, Sora, Charlotte & Sona decided to go out for the night as Sona was leaving to the uk in 2 weeks. We went to a hogwarts themed event that was in the plaza. I was the only one who could drive. (Levi & Sora was 18, Charlotte & Sona was 16) we arrived there after a 15 minute drive we got to the plaza. There was alot of things. There was a wand shop, the goblin bank, house reveals and even a rollercoaster!

2 hours later

"Wow, THAT WAS SO FUN!" Sora Shouted. "It was fun but being deaf ain't!" Charlotte replied, "Sorry I'm just to hyper." We stopped at happy burger and got a bite to eat. Then parted ways.
"Bye Sona..." Sora said, you could tell he had mixed emotions. "We will miss you dearly!" Alex & Charlotte said at the same time. "Have fun at Oxford!" I said. We all had a big group hug and then said our final goodbyes.

*Back In The Present*

I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps, Right as I saw Sona, I gave her a big hug. "LEVI!!! OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" "Same Sona! Charlotte is here to but the weather is horrible so she's in the hotel recovering from a cold." "Can I come visit?" "OFC!" Sona then looked behind me and had a confused look on her face. "Who is that red haired guy?" Said Sona. "Hey, I'm Jaxx. I'm Levi's friend from the squad!" Jaxx replied. "Oh nice to meet you! WAIT IS SORA HERE!?." Levi sighed and said "When we get to our hotel, I'll explain." She looked worried, I could tell she knew it wasn't gonna be good...

Charli POV

Sora still isn't out of his coma.. its been 4 days. The doctor's have said he's recovering but at a very slow pace. They said it might take months unless there is something that he loves that would wake him up. Charli told the doctor's about his sister and grandma and what the squad was doing to get them here. They were very excited about this news and said "Great! That should have an 85% chance of waking him up!" Charli sighed, knowing Sora might actually recover.

Alex POV

*3 Days Later*

I'm on the plane right now listening to music while looking outside the window. We will be landing in 2 hours so I might just sleep.

*2 hours later*

I wake up and the plane has landed! I get my suitcase out and go get a taxi. "Hello ma'am. What is your destination?" "Sunrise Landing Hotel please!" "We will be there In 25 minutes. Please be patient!" Once we arrive, I pay the driver and check into my hotel. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! There was a giant bed, a very nice kitchen and when you went on to the balcony. You could see the whole city of Suva! But I only had 1 thought in my mind. Find Sora's grandma! I asked some people outside at the pool and they said that the only Retirement home was 30 minutes away. So tomorrow I will do my daily jog to the retirement home and reunite Sora with his grandma!

Can you guys tell me if you think the story is good? I'm starting to think it's bad ;-; anyways next part will be information about the main people in the story.

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