Felt like Forever

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"CALL AN AMBULANCE!! FAST!" Levi Exclaimed. There was a passer by who had their phone on them and they dialed 911 quickly. "Hello what's your emergency?" "We have a boy who jumped off of Houston bridge!! Come fast!" "Dont worry ma'am we will be there In a jiffy."

Charli POV

I walk up to Sora but I see Levi running the other way so I look at him, then turn around and all that is their is Sora's jacket. I look down from the bridge and see... Sora. I fell on my knees and started crying "Why Sora!! Why you!" Is all she could get out.

5 Minutes Later

Nobody's POV

The ambulance arrived and walked down the steep hill that lay next to the bridge entrances. They got down safely and harnessed Sora to a stretcher. Jaxx got in his car and drove to the hospital. Same with Levi as he phoned Alex to tell her the awful news. Charli got in the ambulance with Sora so he had someone accompanying him. All charli could do was cry and keep saying "sorry." This meant alot to her as whenever people bullied Charli, Sora was always their beside her to keep her calm. Levi gave her Sora's phone and she decided to look through his posts on Instagram. She saw one titled "Kiss, Marry, Kill" the post said Kill luca for being annoying, Marry levi for always being there for him, and kiss Jaxx!? I saw tiny writing in the corner of the screen so I zoomed in and it exclaimed "I kissed Jaxx because, well I had a crush on him for the longest time but he hates me, so I guess I'll never get to ask him to be my boyfriend. He would make fun of me even more." Charli decided to send that post to Jaxx. Jaxx received it and only had 1 thing in his mind. To get Sora's grandma and sister back.

Jaxx POV

So he did like me? Wow, I did all that hatred for what? To make his lose his life!? *sigh* I only have 1 thing that could make him forgive me. Getting his sister & grandma back. I decided to call Alex and get the details of his sister. She said her name was Sona, Had turquoise hair & went to Oxford University in the uk for education. So I texted Charli back the plan and she luckily had Sora's sisters friend, Charlotte, Added on Snapchat. So she dm'd her and told her everything. She drove over to the hospital and was heartbroken to see Sora in that state. I asked Charli if she wanted to come with me. She responded and said "Charlotte said she would gladly help out her "brother" with anything she could." Great! I'm booking 2 tickets to the Uk I guess. Charli responded again and said "Dont you think levi would wanna see Sona again? I mean Levi, Sora, Sona and Charlotte had a pretty close friend group." I responded back "Your right! I'll text him rn. Ty Charli & if Sora wakes up. Tell him I'm deeply sorry for doing everything to him." "Got it! Wish you luck Jaxx!" (Jaxx then got Levi on board to help and they flew to the uk)

Light POV

*Sips Tea and eats gummy worms" SPICEYYYYY DRAMAA YAS

Alex POV

Light is an idiot. He thinks this is funny when Sora might die! I guess the only people that will be on the channel for the next couple of months is Luca, Me and Light. Maybe Charli if she can get a hotel with Internet. But that isn't my main concern. My main concern is helping out on the plan to get Sora's grandma back. I searched up her name "Sally Theresa" on FindYourLostRelatives.com. I found someone with an exact match of what Sora shown me on that treasured picture. She was in Fiji!? Sora Always thought she was dead because of what his parents told him and his sister. Mission Sally is on!

Charli POV

Sora was recovering slowly. It *felt like forever* since I last heard him speak or even move a single thing. Alex texted me saying that she found Sora's grandma! I knew I had to stay with Sora so I told Alex I could take over the channel for a few weeks while she goes to get Sora's Grandma. All I could think was "It's a race against time!"

Thank you guys for the support on my book! 15 views in 1 day. Wowzers. What will happen next. O.o also I'll try get 2 chapters out a day! Bye guys :D

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