Truth be told

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Sora POV

I woke up the next day to see Levi sleeping on the chair beside me. What a silly goose. I ordered my breakfast and some extra for Levi! Once it arrived I tapped his shoulder lightly. He sprung up. "Wha-what?" "You were sleeping on the chair you silly goose. Anyways I ordered you food, here!
After breakfast was done
Me and Levi were talking for what seemed to be hours. Luckily in 2 days I can go home. Levi said he had to go run some errands so I just watched TV on the little screen in the corner of the room.

2 days pass

I finally get out of here! I asked Alex if I could come to the squad mansion again and she said yes :D. At 1:00 I was standing at the entrance of the hospital when someone scared me "AAAH" I screamed. "Chill, it's just me." A quiet voice echoed, It was just Luca. He helped me walk over to the car and Sona was there! I sat next to her and.... we talked, we shouted and we laughed. Sibling rivalry you could say. When I arrived, there was a huge welcoming back party! Everyone was there... except Jaxx. It was like my birthday all over again! I cut the cake and IT WAS RED VELVET!! I hugged my grandma for making it and shared it with everyone. We left a piece incase that red head wanted to have a slice. It was 10 pm so I decided to walk up into my room and I saw a note. "Meet me at the cherry Blossom tree with the oak bench at midnight." Read the note. Once everyone was asleep. I snuck out and went to the tree. I sat on the bench then saw someone approach me. It was.....

Jaxx POV

It hurt me not to be at Sora's return party. But I had to follow on with my plan. I snuck in Sora's window which Alex purposely left open and placed a note. I went to the location and waited. I saw a car pull up and then saw a blue haired boy walking up the hill. It was Sora. He sat on the bench eagerly waiting for what was to come. I tapped on his shoulder and his face was shocked. He blushed a little bit. Probably from embarrassment. So I sat next to him and said "Sora, I regret what I did to you. I now my mistakes and wish to take them back. I knew I had to do the right thing and get your sister and grandma back so that's what I did. I regret having a rivalry with you and I hope we can atleast be friends. But I have to tell you something. Sora, I'm in love with you."

Sora POV

My face dropped when he said that. All this time he was hating me because he loved me? I decided to tell him the truth aswell. "Well, I have had a crush on you aswell. I found out I was bi 2 years ago, I just didn't know what you would say if you found out.. I thought you would mock me more but I guess we were on the same page for the longest time. We were just oblivious." I had tears in my eyes but held them back. "Sora, I've done alot to you but it's time to ask you." He took a deep breath and said "will you be my boyfriend?" I started tearing up "even though i doubt I'll be able to forgive you, I would love to be your boyfriend." And we did something I never imagined we would ever do. We kissed under the moonlight. We went home together. Holding hands and kissing a few more times. We snuck in and luckily nobody was up except for Sona which I told her where I was going. Me and her shared a room so I went in and whispered "it's official!!" She sniffled "I knew you could do it brother!" And we hugged. I got into my pajamas (In the bathroom ofc) And went to sleep. Today was the happiest day of my life. Now I just have to find out how to tell the squad.

Alex POV

I woke up, ate breakfast then I went back in my room until I heard a knock. Sora walked in and sat next to me on my bed and explained what happened last night. He said not to tell anyone else except for Levi and that he had a request. "What's your request?" I asked calmly. "My sister's birthday is In 2 days and I was wondering if for her birthday, you could let her join the squad?" I never thought of that idea and then i thought. I would love to have an even number of members so I will!
"Sure! We need another member anyways so I'll gladly do it!" He looked ecstatic and said "Thank you Alex, this means alot to her."

*2 days later when Sona's birthday came*

"So, I have a final present for you Sona. I also have one for Clover & Charlotte, so can you guys open them at the same time?" They nodded and opened it. They looked at each other excitedly and harmoniously said "YES!" Everyone was so happy! We now had 10 members! "I also had a spare room so I had it painted green & yellow so you guys can move in!" "YAYYYYY!" Clover shouted. Truth be told, this was the best WEEK in my whole entire life.

If you guys are wondering. Sona is Turquoise, Charlotte is yellow so Alex is now pink & Clover is green. Thanks for the support. Love you guys!

Fateful Events ~Inquisitormaster~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora