All Secrets Revealed

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Alex POV

It was the 16th of April and it was the day that the 1st new member joined. Sona! We did our intro but saved Sora and Sona to last. "Hi guys, it's Alex!" "I'm Charli!" "I'm Levi." "Im LUCAAAAA!!!!" "I'm jaxx!" "I'm Sora!" "I'm Sona!!" Then Sora and Sona said together. "And were the siblings!" Levi shouted out "Stop stealing mine and luca's spotlight 🙁" Levi frowned. "As you guys probably guessed. Sona is our new member and she's also Sora's sistaaaa!" We played among us, but there is a Doctor. Get it? Because Sona is a doctor? Anyways I saw Sora, Levi & Sona walking together. So I walked up to them and saw Jaxx get brutally murdered by Sona. Once they walked away I reported it but there was only me and Luca left. "Hehehe." Sora laughed. Luca was not the impostor. 1 imposter remains!
"AAAAA" I screamed like a toddler. "Get back here Alex hehe." Levi laughed maniacally. I tried to run but Sona used the navigation vent and caught me in shields and murdered me. All 3 of them started dancing when Levi said "Kill me :D" and she did, "Who would of guessed? The friend group won." Jaxx Scoffed
A day later
We did our intro, then Charlotte popped out of the vent. "IM CHARLOTTE!" She screamed. "We are the BFF'S :D!" Sona and Charlotte said. "Stop stealing my gags ;-;" Levi pouted. Once again all 4 of them were together and i Was the imposter. I killed Luca & Light then Sora said "It's Alex, we saw Jaxx med scan & we were all together." "Flip you guys!" I said angrily.
Another day later
"Guess what guys? WE ARE RELEASING NEW PLUSHIES!" I screamed. "And the first 3 you will see is.. ME!" "Meh!" Charlotte said "Also me! I'm Clover!! The last new member to join the squad! Me and Charlotte are sisters and we share the same 1st letter in our name!" "WHY HAS ALL MY GAGS BEEN STOLEN AAAA." Levi screamed. We read wattpad stories!

Sona POV

We got to one called "Love at first sight, by Sora__Dora (TYSM for supporting my story so I gave u a shout out :D!)
I looked over at Sora and I saw he was blushing hard. After the vid. We played truth or dare. "Alex, truth or dare." Jaxx said. "Truth." "Who is ur crush 😉." Alex sighed then said "Uhhhhhhh, fine it's Levi." Levi looked shocked then said "Same Alex, wanna be my girlfriend?" "YESSSSSS!!!!" She said excitedly. It was my turn to choose someone but I didn't wanna expose Sora so i asked Charli "Charli, truth or dare?" "Dare >:)" "I dare you to spend 24 hours with light in your room hehehehe." "YES YES ILL DO IT RN!!" "Oh god why the simp 😢" Light pouted. She dragged him into her room and slammed it shut. "Sora." Levi asked "Yes-?" "We know you are going to choose truth so what is your sexuality?" Sora looked like he'd seen a ghost. "I- uh- fine I'm bi..." "WE SUPPORT!!" Alex shouted.
Alex then looked at Jaxx and said "Truth or dare" "Truth" "Wow lots of scaredy cats here eh?" Levi said "Who is ur crush?" "I don't have a crush because I'm already dating someone, and they may be in the squad." Jaxx looked at Sora from the corner of his eye but Sora looked unfazed by the response. "OK guys let's just tell each other who we have a crush on/dating, ok? Starting with you levi!" "Alex." Luca then said "I have a crush on Charli O///O" He blushed significantly. I said "I am a single pringle with no care to date :D." Then Charlotte and Clover said "Same." Jaxx then said "Im dating....."

Alex POV

Jaxx was about to tell us who he was dating until Light shouted his name "Be right back guys!" He walked off. "Sora...?" "I'll tell you guys later, I have to go somewhere rn." Then Sora grabbed Sona and rushed out the door.

Sora POV

I should tell them, no i shouldn't, I should! I shouldn't! "Sora calm down its ok! They will support you guys plus Alex knows already!" "Luca didn't look happy when I said I was bi tho... I think he's homophobic..." "if he does or says something to you, I'll defend you no matter what, ok?" "Ok..." We walked back in and I sat down again. "Ok ill tell you guys... I'm dating jaxx..." Jaxx then ran down the stairs and sat next to Sora "i knew you could tell them!" Then he kissed Sora. "Thanks..."

2 days later


5 months later

Everything was great! Alex and Levi were pregnant with a baby boy! We were all so excited. So I decided to propose to jaxx on Sunday. Today is Thursday so I went to Alex and Sona and told them everything. Alex yeeted me into her car and she started driving to the mall. Preparations begin!"

Also i should probably mention this. Sally is working at a charity store so that's why she isn't in most of the story.

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