Paranormal Thoughts

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Sora POV

I've been having these weird thoughts recently. It's a voice that keeps coming up in my head. "Nobody loves you..." GAH, there it is again... i have to tell someone about this, but who? Jaxx will overreact, Light is stupid, Alex will tell everyone, Sally wouldn't understand, luca and sona will forget, Charlotte will end up revealing it bc of her big mouth. So that leaves Levi, Charli and Clover. Charli is the same as Alex and Clover is horrible at keeping secrets. Levi it is. I wrote him a note.

Hey Levi.

Can you meet me at The Diner at 5 pm? I need to discuss something important with you...
From Sora.

Levi POV

I finished Lunch then went into my room, I got a note from Sora to meet him at The Diner. At 5 pm? Weird but he says it's important so I'll trust him.
Time skip to 5 pm
I see Sora waiting outside. I park my car and walk up to him, he looks like he's been crying. "Sora, is everything ok bud?" I ask worryingly. He shook his head no and lead me into the Diner and we sat at a table. "So- I've been getting these weird thoughts in my head. It says stuff like nobody loves you and you are a disappointment. It's hurting me and I just wanted to tell you about this... GAH" He started to cry. "Bud, you sure your fine? I think we need to check you out at a mental hospital" He nodded signifying he was ok with the decision. The waiter came and I said "2 Bacon specials with 2 cokes please. And to take away." "Ok sir your total is $12.56." I tried to pay but Sora gave the lady his card.
After driving to the mental hospital
"Sir, your friend has severe traumatic stress to his brain and it seems like it just started 4 days ago. He also has bruises all over his body. He said that on the day it started, he met a few "Old Friends" called Natalia and Bethany.
I was out on a walk when I bumped into a blonde haired girl "Watch it pal- wait IS THAT SORA THE SUCKER FROM HIGH SCHOOL? HAH." "Oh great, you guys again..." "Heh did Levi dump you after you graduated? Pathetic. Nobody ever cared for you." "Hes still my bff.... now go away I just had the best day of my life yesterday." "Aw, did u make another fake friend. Boo-hoo. Hey bethany, let's show him who's boss." "LIKE GLADLY *Lip Smack*"
(End Of Flashback)
Wow, them again? They beat him up in high school then I saved him, (Now the backstories come into play ;D) then I became his BFF, I went to see him and he hugged me tight. "Sora, it will be fine, want me to invite any of the squad over...?" He was so shook up that he couldn't talk so he pulled up a photo of all of us and pointed to Alex, Charli and Sona. "Alright, why not Jaxx?" He typed into his search bar so he won't be worried about me.... Understandable.

Alex POV

I got a text from Levi saying to go to the mental hospital with Charli and Sona. I knew he was talking about Sora when he said to not tell Jaxx where we are going. I only thought of the worst....

Heh drama again ;) anw end of this chapter! Hope you are enjoying and cya guys! <3<3<3<3

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