Lucifer's secret/ new roommate

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"uh ok, you can tell me. What is it?" Simeon said now interested in what Lucifer wanted to tell him this is the first time he was trusted by a demon so he couldn't blow it

"Ok so... I like Kura," Lucifer said "you see when I found out she was a fallen angel I thought about me and how things were hard for me and my brother. Things looked like she loved it here and didn't want to go back or start over. If I was just like her when I got here things would have been easier for me"

"Wait a minute Kura. Kura right? Diavolo's kid you are talking about right?" Simeon said

"Yup Diavolo's kid why you ask she just came no one here has the name Kura that is what makes it so unique"

Simeon looked confused and spoke again"But Kura is not a fallen angel. If she was then I would have known and others would too but instead, Kura is one angel that has been gone for centuries now and we still don't know where she is and when it comes to demons all names are unique I guess"

Lucifer looked angry and betrayed but tried his best not to explode in Simeon's face "Simeon. Yea so I think you know everything you need to know now so I will just leave. Bye?"

"Bye," Simeon said but now can see the look in Lucifer's eyes he looks so sad and betrayed he was sad to know that Diavolo I think his best friend lied to him and they knew each other for so long now and yet he was too blinded to know because of her beauty

Simeon's pov

A few hours go by and I'm going back home when I got there I saw one angel boy and he was sleeping on the chair next to the kitchen. I peeked in the kitchen to see the oven on so I walked into the kitchen and looked in the oven to see a cake it was going to burn so I took it out of the oven and placed it on the counter.

I then looked for some things to decorate the cake with and I found frosting, sprinkles heart-shaped and chocolate chips I then decorated the cake with all the things and it turned out good so I tried a piece. It was really good and I wanted more but then...

"Hey!!" The angel said "what you do. Oh my gosh, you made it look good well done but still, next time ask me please now I'm Gabriel and you must be Simeon right?"

"That is me but try it it is really good no joke," I say now offering him a Slice of cake

"Uh sure let me try" Gabriel tries the cake and it is really good "this is. This is good Simeon wow I didn't know you could cook but thanks for that anyways it is turning night time so I'm going to bed goodnight Simeon"

Yea goodnight Gabriel" I say and we both go upstairs to rest

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