my first wired day in my class

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Simeon's pov

I was running to get to class I was already late as it was I wondered what the teacher was going to say to me I hope not much as I open the door I see the teacher already teaching the class

"I see you finally came if only Kura came at this time too but she comes almost at the end of class," the teacher said, "what's your name?" Everyone turned their attention to me that made me a little uncomfortable but I said it anyways

"My name is Simeon-" I said but someone cut me off

"Ok hi, Simon. Hey everyone Simon says say your name" some kid said but I corrected him

"No sir it's Simeon s-i-m-e-o-n" everyone then laughed at him but I didn't want him to feel bad so I said "don't laugh at him you guys also thought my name was Simon to so if you are looking for someone to laugh at then laugh at yourself"

"Simeon is right," the teacher said "all of you guys that were named I'm sorry about the misunderstanding Simeon"

"Oh it's ok Mrs-" I said but was cut off again by the teacher saying finally to the kid who walked in the door

"I know I know but my bra brook sorry," Kura said I gave her a look but she smiled "I will take a seat now" Kura went to take a seat and I had no choice to sit next to her

"Ok class so the last thing we are going to be talking about to make a movie!!" The teacher said while the teacher was talking I heard Kura say something to herself she said "god it's hot"

so then I looked at her and she looked at me with a smirk. I then frowned and shook my head because I knew what she was going to do.

"I'm going to do it Simeon" she whispered and did it I looked away but everyone looked even the teacher I thought the teacher was gay if so I want a pic I have never seen a girl and girl couple before (I'm not lying I have never I want to tho) to know what she did would be too bad for your little brain but I will tell you anyways

so since it was hot she took off her shirt and is letting her boobs show that is why everyone is looking. Well, I guess that is the life of a demon I looked down to see a note it read "dear Simeon so I want to talk to you after class alright? your future queen of devildom Kura"

I wasn't going to turn it down ofc not but only to confront her. So class ended and I followed Kura to the place we are meeting up we were in the inside Garden it was beautiful I was about to say something but I had Kura sing something I wanted to hear it so I let her sing

"We got all the ways to be....W-i-c-k-e-d
We got all the ways to be... W-i-c-k-e-d" Kura said"

Guess the song before tomorrow guys!!

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