storyline 3 sleep or die?

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Chapter 1: Who's he?

It was a lovely day in devildom. Demons and angels were in hand in hand and no longer has anger against eachother. With that being said a angel and marry and fall in love with a demon and the same goes for a demon. And so that is exactly what a girl named kura did. She is in love well married to a demon, his name is barbatos. She even has 12 kids

There were 7 girls and 5 boys. None adopted and only one is twins. The twins names were Andrew and Emma Andrew is the angel and Emma is the demon. They were girl and boy. And they are the oldest with the age 18.

Second oldest (angel): Alexander, is a boy and is 16
Third oldest (angel): Sophie, is a girl and is 14
Fourth oldest (demon): Satan, is a boy and is 13
Fifth oldest (demon): Henry, is a boy and is 11
Sixth oldest (angel): Charlize, is a girl and is 10
Seventh oldest (angel): Ashley, is a girl and is 8
Eighth oldest (demon): asmodeus, is a boy and is 5
Ninth oldest (demon): Ava, is a girl and is 4
Tenth oldest (demon): Scarlett, is a girl and is 1 month

People always wonder why do they have so many kids I mean there is only two of them well that's the reason. There are only two and it only takes two why else? They choose that life and even if it means they won't be getting anymore sleep well let it be.

"Aw Scarlett please don't cry my love" kura said life is hard now for her yes she has the best family but still she has to take care of 12 kids. Do you know how hard that is? She has dark circles under her eyes from having to stay up most of the nights for each kid and now this menace.

Kura's pov

I love Scarlett she's very good. Out of all the baby demons I had to take care of this one is the most behaved. *Here's loud crying and hair being ripped out* well it's still a working progress with the fact she is a demon.

"Darling we have a problem..... OH A BIG PROBLEM THE GATES ARE CLOSED AND EVERYONE IS SOMEHOW SLEEPING!!" Barbatos said as if he was going to faint

"What?! That has to be impossible how is this happening?" I said as I got up as quickly as I could Scarlett just laughed at the scene while I bopped her nose in response to her she laughed so hard I calmed her down as barbatos spoke

"The last words I could get out of Lucifer was it was the last deadly sin, the sin of sloth his name is Belphegor he is very lazy and wants to sleep all the time so do you think it was him?"

"No no way they all made a promise to me why did they do such thing my love?" I said as I looked at him with sadness in my eyes Scarlett noticed and touched my right boob. "You make me happy everyday no need to do that but if you want to then ok unless your trying to tell me your hungry?"

Scarlett looked at me then to barbatos and rubbed her tummy that was a sign she was hungry

"Well I'm going to feed her some milk you on the other hand try to find out we can't blame someone that can do this without any proof of them doing so" I said and at the look in Barbatos face I knew he agreed with me but didn't want to say he does that all the time so I ain't going to say anything

I went upstairs with the baby in hand to my room. I put her next to my chest and now she was drinking and took a few minutes until she was done ok now to the situation at hand. There is a deadly sin for this and it is sloth and his name is Belphegor he looks some what like Simeon but is in a onesie and with blue eyes. But why hasn't anyone see him do it? I mean like he falls asleep almost every 5 minutes or so, so why hasn't anyone get him with this? But maybe... It wasn't him maybe it was someone else... Someone who is just like belphie oh I don't know I can't I really can't. "I can't choose!!!"

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