last battle last part

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Kura's pov

It's finally me. I'm queen now all of this is for me. I love it. As I watched the devildom become my domain as we know it I heard a familiar voice coming from below me it was Simeon he is one strong one if he thinks he can defeat me and one dumb one if he thinks I will give up.

I moved and I almost stepped on him my goal is to get closer to him to grab him. Now where was I oh yes "hahahahaha" I said as I watched Simeon look like he is dancing on the floor below me to avoid getting stepped on "you think you can defeat me? You must be dumb then ha!!" He stopped moving and kicked me it didn't hurt tho I'm a giant after all "that didn't hurt one bit"

I left my foot up and stomped my foot so hards he jumped almost like there was an earthquake.

"I told you it didn't hurt you know? But you didn't want to listen did ya? You know nothing will hurt me now I'm queen kura and nothing can stop me or hurt me" I said

"This will" some guy said this guy was no other then barbatos and he was holding something so wired it looked like a remote from where I was but could be something else. He clicked the button on it and the floor opened right below me and I fell through it

"You haven't seen the last of me!!!" I yelled as I fell. He smiled and the floor closed. I was telling the truth he hasn't seen the last of me. I was now shrinking and now looked like my angel self again "someone let me out someone please let me out!" I floor opened again and it was Simeon and barbatos they helped me up and I smiled with joy

"I missed you so much kura" Simeon said he hugged me so hard

"Kura do you agreed you will be queen of devildom and jewel of heaven?" Barbatos asked "and try to take care of both places?"

"Yes I do" I said and that was that I was jewel and queen.

Simeon's pov

A few weeks later my sweet baby girl had coronations for both things and now she is a ruler of devildom and jewel of heaven. She is both demon and angel, in love with and married to a angel and his name is Luke and a demon and his name is Satan. Luke and Satan love kura and are willing on sharing kura for her to feel happy and safe to both places.

Barbatos pov

I may have watched her grow up but I didn't think she would end up like this well at least jewel of heaven I knew she would be queen of devildom now I can watch her rule with her husband Satan with Simeon and love him the way I wanted to but couldn't because of diavolo. Me and kura go back in time to see what it was like for her when she was younger we weren't able to because diavolo had put a spell on this time in the past now since he is no longer king this spell is broken now

Kura's pov

So now my husband Satan and I are living a happy life and my dad's live with me and are very happy for me I visit heaven and go back to devildom both roles are important and Satan can rule it when I'm gone and barbatos can to. Now you must me thinking where is diavolo he was sent to jail because of what he done to barbatos and me. Kidnapping angels are not allowed here and making people your Butler without consent or will from the other is not allowed to so that is why he is in jail.

All hail kura and welcome back kura Jewel of the heavens

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