villain?! No way

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"But why? why did you-" Kura said but was cut off my yandere Barbatos

"don't say a word my love that would only make you worry more I don't want that too and either do you" he put on kura's bra on Kura "and you forgot this passion fruit you don't need your shirt k?"

"Why don't I?" Kura interrogated she needed an explanation if her husband going to admit to her? If so then perhaps things could go back to typical life but he won't she assumed in her head.

"Sunshine surprising news I will turn you into my puppet and you can't do anything because it...started already," barbatos announced then everything for Kura was gloomy she couldn't see anything at this point she could only think. She thought if only I could take a glimpse at my kids one more time. Then barbatos gave her a beverage which made her grow then barbatos climbed into her body but came out for some reason "hey your not in control!!" kura's eyes lit up and she glared at barbatos he then started running

"You joke you believed I was dead?! Hahahahaha I thought you were better than that. I will give you 19 seconds to move then if I find you I will obliterate you and belphie hahaha haha" Kura explained she then covered her eyes and then started counting as a sign for barbatos to flee.

*With the angels*

"What is this? I don't think this was a good idea for us to do such thing... My crush needs us who's with me?" Luke said for an angel he was still kinda beginner but acted like stint he wanted to be just like Michael but he doesn't envy he just gets inspiration from him that's all his crush? Well her name is Kura though she has a boyfriend more like a husband but he still wants to give her love.

"He's right I suppose you have a plan?" Michael agreed to luke. Luke thought that this was the time to impress Michael

"Uh yes I do first we have to gather all the things we know about her then once we have that then we can make our plan and we can make a plan- actually all that won't work unless we find a way to get Kura distracted," luke said he was now wanting to really find a way to defeat her

"Why can't we do all this without getting her distracted?" Gabriel asked

"If you were watching you would know she is only giving barbatos 19 seconds which already passed but because we didn't hear anything loud of some sort she didn't find barbatos but just in case it is silent Raphael can you be so kind and watch the screen while we're discussing?" Luke said Raphael said ok and watch the screen while the others talked

"Now what we know now is that she gave barbatos 19 seconds but she hasn't found him yet, if you want to control her you will fail because she is not letting her guard down and she is Huge so we have to find a way to get to take gem on her head" luke was speaking facts, evidence and details he didn't leave anything out

"Wow, I didn't even think about that... I-" Michael was cut off by Raphael

"Uh, we have a problem it has to do with Kura so uh... She has tentacles and they are the length of 2 TTC and a half of a TTC" Raphael let out "uh, Luke... What are you doing?"

"I'm writing" was his response "things about Kura... We need to know things about her before we make a blueprint your job is very significant, keep up doing what you do and tell us if she is near Barbatos k?" Once again Raphael said ok and watched the screen

"Ok so here's the plan first we know before all this she hoped an angel will come to get her so we will send me to come to act like I'm here to pick her up, Gabriel if you see barbatos bring him with you to somewhere safe, Michael you climb one of her tentacles to her head and break the gem is then she will go back to normal size," luke said but Michael disagreed with the plan

"I think you do my part and I do yours you have proven yourself so you will do it k?" Michael said

"Ok, Raphael you keep us updated and since the demons fell asleep because of belphegor and Barbatos we got to make sure they don't get hurt so with that being said other angels will be sent down there to get them and being them somewhere safe along with belphegor" luke said now everyone was onboard time to kick some angel butt

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