the suicidal angel

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Gabriel's pov

I was holding a crying simeon what happened to him? Why is he so.... You know..... Suicidal? Was it me? No it couldn't be he loves me as a friend. But..... Maybe I didn't do anything but that is why it's a problem to him I can not handle the fact that I could be apart of the problem. For the first time in a long time I'm worried. I never had to be this worried before, I was only worried this much when it came to the war in heaven.

"G-g-g-gabrieal? Is that you?" Simeon said tears falling from his eyes

"Shhh don't say anything until we hit the ground I'm going to have a talk to you just a little one of course I need you to cool down to and rest" I said to him I looked up after wards and saw some wings but they were black wings not white. It got closer and closer until I was able to see who that was and yes you guessed it. It was kura. I bet she is worried to not going to lie

"I'm so glad you came first before me if I came he would have been dead already but angels help angels I knew I wouldn't have came in time. I'm sorry Simeon I knew you don't like being ignored but I was angry. I'm so sorry" kurapika said she was very sad and I was to cry at the scene but I held it in.

          Later that day. In the after......

Guess what happens and sorry for the short one

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