the Devil's part of the game

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                                In class

Lily and Lizzy went to class they were in math class now.

"So guys we have something very new and this is only happening once in every classroom so this is our gr 6 Thacher, their name is Mrs. Anderson, she has the same last name as you two" Mr. Beel said as he pointed to lily and Lizzy they looked at eachother and back at the Thacher "well..... Have fun I guess"

The Thacher left the room and Mrs. Anderson was now talking to the class guy remember this is not a teacher this is a student. They reason why they are doing this is because that some kids don't know things they were taught in highschool and in elementary so they had to get a student to Thach the class

Lily's pov

"Ok so we are going to do patterning so get your math books out please" Mrs. Anderson said she was very polite and calm. The class ended and today was the most best class in the whole world we played a game at the end and we got candy. Then next class was religion we were learning about Moses. But out if nowhere I said

"Lucifer is the best!!!!" I said everyone looked at me and I just looked at them as embarrassment the religion teacher gave me a stare and pointed to the door I got up, my things and left the classroom he said he'll be out there in a minute when she's done giving the extractions for the next assignment. A few minutes pass by and then he came outside he was very upset with me but little does he know that wasn't me who was talking that was someone else

"What do you mean he's the best? Do you know who he is?" Mr. Mohawkner said with a frown

"Listen I didn't mean to say that okay I-I don't know why I said that but I promise you that wasn't me I didn't say that with my own will but maybe it has something to do with the game that I played yesterday" I said to him

"What game did you play yesterday? Was it bad? Was the game inappropriate? Did it talk about things that were not true about our religious belief? He said I just shook my head

"I can't answer two questions on what you just said one know the game was not inappropriate and two it had nothing to do with our religious belief"

"Well then why can't you tell me the name of the game?"

"Because I don't have to that's why"

"Well until you answer my question you are not going back into that classroom and you're not going to have work that is late because you won't be able to do the assignment" the class ended and now I have to do work when I get home we then finished the rest of our classes and we went straight to the arcade of course we told our parents that and we are only going to be there for a couple of hours so by time we get home it'll be like around 5:00 or maybe 6:00 and we will have time to finish our work

We were now at the game we were playing and all the employees as usual went on break at this time and we're on break for a couple of hours. We turned it on and it said something on the screen it said "I hope you had a fun time in religious class hahaha"

We both looked at each other and shrugged. We turned on the game and it first showed Simeon and Kura on the couch

Kura: Simeon I'm a little scared......

Simeon: oh and why so? why are you scared?

Kura: why else would I be scared? I don't know because of Barbatos!! The way he left it scared me.... I'm scared that he'll come back and this time have how much anger and kill us both? What happens if he comes back but has a weapon with him or something or finds a way to I don't know kill us and get away with it?

Simeon: hey stop thinking like that he won't have the nerve to do such and if he does I'll be out there for him don't worry I will never let him hurt you and I promise you he won't be laying a finger or a foot near this house, kura you what I want from all this?

Kura: yea what?

Simeon: for you to stop being evil

Kura: I'm only evil because diavolo took away my lover and that is how the goes I turn evil because my lover is taken away from me

Simeon: ok but can you please try to stop please?

Kura: ok I will stop for your sake *yawns*

Kura falls asleep and so does Simeon on the couch if only there was a camera in that room to take a picture of this beautiful moment

                       With barbatos

Barbatos pov in the game

Barbatos: I have enough this is the end of this I'll make sure kura nor Simeon come back I promise them this, and I'll make sure Kura here doesn't turn back to a human ever again, ha I think I have the perfect plan, first I find a way to increase my power status because right now it's at a very low status, second I will get the human world Crystal and go to the human world and lastly go to one of the human world science centers or whatever they call it and get a potion that can make me taller this is a wonderful plan it's going to work perfectly

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