first play

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So for the characters in the game I'm going to do it like this:
Simeon: hi I'm Simeon
Anyways enjoy

Lily's pov

a glitch again?! I looked at the screen as it all glitched up again. How could a game like this be so glitchy?! God. It stoped glitching and I sighed. The screen first was black.

It then said "once upon a time, where angels live a boy named Simeon watched over the clouds and loves us humans oh yes all of us but what? Where did it all go wrong" well ask his Damon friend barbatos he can tell you everything. Everything you need to know about how demons and angles had no choice to live together if they liked it or not."

I was interested by the little storyline they told just now so I wanted to play more. Then it showed these two cute boys one was named and Simeon which is the character I'm playing and the other one was named barbatos the character I thought I wanted to play with but didn't.

Simeon: barbatos it appears that a another poor human is playing the game of the devil

Barbatos: indeed you are right I guess they didn't read the title I suppose

Simeon: this poor poor human I pray for them in the name of the father and the son and the holy Spirit Amen....(Simeon's prayer)

Barbatos: just hearing those words make me want to die

Simeon: ok I'm done and aren't you already- you know what, nevermind

They were having a random conversation out of no where I didn't get to choose anything. So they were talking about this poor human and how they made a bad choice playing a game. I thought for a second maybe this is the place both demons and angels had to live together. This is a world that is not reality and they have been here for I guess thousands of years.

But then I don't understand. Who brought them here? Because it couldn't be an angel or demon they are the ones who were caught by surprise and it couldn't be a human no human has the power to do such thing to both realms so who was it? Was it some made up thing? Was it a animal? Or maybe it could be something like an angel and a demon.

Whatever it was, this thing doesn't sound so good. I was still questioning until I remembered something. It's not a thing they don't have the pronouns they and them. It is a she I remember now they told us in a backstory of this girl and if I can get this straight her name was kura. And is 19. And had the power to take over anything and let people fall in love with her.

Simeon: uh I got to take this phone call barbatos, I will be right back

Barbatos: ok I will wait here until your done

On the phone call

Simeon: uh hello who is it?

Kura: hiiiiiiii Simeon

Simeon: you, what do you want?
(In Simeon's head): you can choose for me now human

So now I have to choose so it say

Hang up on kura and go back to barbatos and tell him nothing and ignore any phone calls from her and pretend nothing happened

Stay on the call and just wait until she is done talking so then maybe you have a sense of what might be happening afterwards and tell Barbatos everything that happened on the call

For real I couldn't choose because if I went with option 1 I'll be hanging up on kura and she might say some important things and if I did just option one I can't tell Barbatos when I want to tell him. If I go with option two I'll stay on the call and maybe I can get a sense of what she's doing or planning to do next but I don't want to directly tell Barbatos about it and it said nothing about pretending it never happened so I'll make it look kind of obvious.

I really can't decide but I went with option two because maybe Barbatos could help us.  With some things that she says on the call and maybe others can help us with it to because again it's a nothing to do with pretending it never happened. Well here goes the game again. It's talking with its own Will.

Kura: I just want to see if everything was doing okay with you silly, after all I suppose you want me to turn back to normal or die. Well that's not going to happen so I don't see why you even try but anyways take care bye bye

(In Simeon's head)
Kura hanged up wow that was not helpful at all but maybe there's an app on the phone where you can see where the person you were calling is from. I went to Google and search it up and it's a real thing you just got to click on the icon and see where they're from I click on the icon and it said where Kura is from she's on the Northern side of the country from where I am right now that would be a 2-hour drive and I'm going to need to fill up my gas

(Not in Simeon's head)

Simeon: barbatos I got a call from kura and she said she was checking in on me or something but I found this thing where you are able to see where the person you called where they are from, that is so cool isn't it?

Barbatos: indeed it Simeon but where does she live?

Simeon: on the Northern side of the country which is a 2-hour drive and I need to fill up my gas tank we won't be going anywhere with such a low gas tank I could only make it to the gas station and that is it

Barbatos: well then what are you waiting for let's get to the gas station so you can fill up your gas tank and on the way let's pick up some snacks and lunch I'm hungry and we are going to be hungry on the drive but now we know that she's on the Northern side of the country but what's her address?

Simeon: she lives on Bay Street, house 26 so a 2-hour drive plus another half an hour this is going to be a long drive you better get a lot of snacks and drinks and lunch I guess.

Barbatos: come on now let's hit the road

At that point the game shut off completely all it said on the screen was come back tomorrow at the same time you came we have everything saved and backed up for you and the thing shut off completely. As soon as I did all the employees came off of break and it was time to leave me and my sister Lizzy left the arcade and I told her we were coming back tomorrow she was super happy but said I have to buy her lunch on the road again I was okay with that because I need to see what happens next in this story.

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