the last battle part 1

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Simon went back to devildom and wanted to give diavolo a piece of his mind. But when he got to the castle his confidence dropped down to a -9. He was horrified. The castle was a pitch black with red roses at the side and their thorns around the house and thorn bushes in general at the side. The table had blood on it, it was making him gaged. He was now taking deep breaths as he walked slowly to the front door.

"D-d-diavolo? Are you here? Where are you?" Simeon called out

"Come in here I have a surprise for you" he said in the other room. Simeon walked in the room and saw not him but a girl as pretty as can be on the throne. She had blood hair with two colored eyes light brown skin and a very big smile planted on her face. Her outfit was red and black had horns on her head and a crown with a black jewel in the middle.

"Simeon!!! How cute are you" she said then she came off the thorne and walked over to Simeon with arms open wind. She hugged simeon and Simeon smiled but then backed away

"It's-it's you" Simeon said he knew who that was she then had a giant smile on her face and her eyes turned a bright red

"Hahahahaha Simeon it took you long enough now let the battle begin!!!" She said it was no other then kura back from the died to rule devildom. Simeon ran but diavolo beat him to it and shut the door on him. Simeon hit his head on door which really hurt you can tell by the blood coming out of his nose.

He looked at kura and all she did was smile and use her powers to lift simeon off the ground and kura let him hit his head on the wall, ceiling, floor and stairs to go to the throne. He's head was bleeding now and all kura did was laugh devilishly and that was it it was now war and simeon didn't want to bring humans in it.

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