the end of kura

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Kura's pov

I woke up remembering the last thing that happened I looked at my fainted dad I looked at the window and winked then the person at the window hind. I walked out and saw that person at the window. It was diavolo and I knew this was him.

"Hi diavolo" I said with a smile on my face it was the smile I called I'm going to kill you
"Your not going to see light again you know that right?" Diavolo shook and I winked again my eyes turned a blood shot red as I took the life out of him but what I was doing didn't last long because someone pulled me away from him it was.... "Lucifer?! What are you doing here?!"

"Saving my master" he said I was now on the ground and I felt something on me but it was myself nothing else because diavolo was taking the power out of me I was no longer angel or demon I was nothing but human.

Then I saw something really big infront of me and that thing was diavolo he was a giant and he grabbed me.

"What do you want from me you already took everything away from me" I said I was on the bridge of tears and I was really scared

"I'm going to eat you unless you want to help me" he said he was so big "one sec I'm going to hold onto you while I grab Simeon"

"No no pls he did nothing I'm the one that you want you don't want Simeon he did nothing to you!!! I hurt you by leaving you I know I'm sorry but you lied to him how do you think he felt when you told him I died?! I was so little I didn't know what was going on at the time and yet you want to hurt him?! Your the one who hurt him first and he didn't do anything to you even if I wasn't died. He stayed clam but this is not staying calm this is not having self-control. I hate you diavolo i really do!!!!" I cred my whole way though that.

I watched how diavolo looked angry at me he was now going to hit my head on the house and so he did. He hit my head several times on the house as I watched Simeon cry and hitting diavolo's leg it didn't matter. He kept doing it until I was no more breathing. I was dead now and I couldn't do anything anymore. I was just a left less body now.

Simeon's pov

He didn't do what I think he did he killed my only daughter. As I saw the blood in the walls I screamed. It was hurting me so bad but there was one thing I didn't understand. What happened to barbatos. I then saw him rush outside and he cred and cred and said

"I didn't make it l.... I failed her.... This is all my fault..... I didn't make it I didn't make it I DIDN'T MAKE IT.... OH I LET HIM KILL HER SHE WASN'T ABLE TO SEE ME ON HER LAST DAY" barbatos said he was so sad I mean he did watch her grow up so I see why he is sad more then I am. So I see what happened that thing on him was a choker and the choker was a spy device and smoke came out of it. My sweet angel.

I saw a lot of angels come down from heaven and to my surprise they killed diavolo and that was the end of him. I knew kura was angel so she must be in heaven I'm not mistaken so I'm going there later.

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