the explanation and second play

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"soooo you were not in the mood yesterday to get me lunch but today you are in a better mood than you've ever been in your whole entire life what's up?" Lizzy asked lily she was looking for an explanation it is once in a lifetime you would see this girl ever smile or be so happy to buy any of her family members anything with her own allowance. But today she's feeling more than generous she's feeling delightful today not to mention the game she played yesterday. If it wasn't for this game they would be stuck with emo Lily.

"How about I show you when we get to the arcade right now I'm about to pull up to the drive-thru to the pizza place so chillax" lily said

They got their food and headed straight to the arcade. As soon as they got there Lily literally dragged Lizzy all the way to the game she was playing yesterday

"Does that make you happy now?" Lily asked

"What is this anyway? And why does it say Devil's play on it? Wait a minute is this the game that Mom told me about? Oh my gosh lily stop playing this game it's really bad it will mess up your brain completely and I think it already started to cuz you're acting so extremely nice for your own health please stop playing this game" Lizzy said you're scared than ever. Just like Lily said before she thinks the reason why this game has been so far away from the other games is because it has a really bad dark meaning to it and that's the reason why Lizzy doesn't want to play in the game no more.

"What's so wrong with it anyways enlighten me" lily said she was interested in what Lizzy had to say about this devilish game

"Well for starters it was in the corner of the room, the corner of the room! Why would they put a game that is named this way in the corner of the room? I don't know maybe because it has a dark meaning to it have you ever thought about that? No I didn't think so, second the reasons why it's called Devil's play it temps you to play it, you fool I can't believe you didn't think about this and I'm one year younger than you and I'm still thinking like I'm 3 to 4 years older than you and lastly it will keep you in a state that wouldn't be so good for you you see all the time it glitches it will show you a different message a message that is trying to warn you but not listening makes sense to now your a rought one so then it will make it more interesting for you" Lizzy said the explanation was good but still lily still wanted to play it

"Whatever just watch me play it please?" Lily asked Lizzy hesitated for a sec until she said yes so lily turned on the game to see to guys in a car. It was like their was a time skip over night and now they are in the car, Simeon's gas is filled and and they have their lunch and sneaks. But they weren't talking about all. Then words appeared on the screen and it read

"as the the men made their way to the Northern side of the country Simeon felt a very sharp pain in his head, everything he saw was blurry and he wasn't able to drive straight. Barbatos on the other side was worried Simeon yelled very loudly it scared barbatos to the most highest. He first got Simeon's hands off the steering wheel and put his foot on the break they stopped in the middle of the road do you know how dangerous that is? Simeon and barbatos switched places in the car then they continued driving barbatos told Simeon to sleep so he did. Now it was barbatos at the wheel well this is going to be a hard drive for the man that doesn't have a driver's license"

Then on the screen it showed in kura's mansion

Kura: now everyone give me ideas in what I should do to Simeon and barbatos and his other friends but mostly Simeon that angel stands no chance against his queen hahahahahahaha

Hench woman 1: oh maybe you can throw him in a lake

Hench woman 2: or feed him poison brithday cake

Kura: but I won't deny I'm going to miss him when he's gone

Hench woman 3: you can bury him alive

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