the end of kurabatos

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Luke turns kura back to normal that's when we see no other than both Belphegor and Barbatos glaring at Michael, Luke and Kura. The other angels were not mentioned because they went back to celestial after they saw what happened with Luke making sure that he would help Kura.

"Wow Kura I thought we were married why are you holding hands with- you know what? Never mind I don't like you anymore anyways good luck with your angel boyfriend" barbatos said and walked off while he did he called belphie to follow him belphie, on the other hand, felt sad about what he had done. Yes, he is the deadly sin of sloth but no one said he doesn't have feelings

"Kura... I'm sorry i-i was just trying to make barbatos happy he's one of my best friends but I couldn't make him happy you could... I wanted to be just like you make him happy when you guys play together, making him happy when you are happy even making him happy when you have kids. I'm sorry Kura my actions were very unforgivable" Belphegor let out he started crying in the middle of it

"It's ok I forgive you but I think I should get going and I think you will be able to make my kids happy, is it ok if you babysit my demon babies for me while me and luke go in dates in celestial?" Kura asked kindly

"Yes I will" was Belphegor's response

*A few years later*

Kura pov

I went back to the devildom to see how my kids are doing and i saw someone who I haven't seen in such a long time. Barbatos. He had a girl with him and by looking at her I think she was pregnant but why? Why would he impregnate another girl not even I want a kid with Luke, me and barbatos used to be together and we had kids together I will not get pregnant with another guy.

"Oh, hi Kura! I see you see Emily she's my wife we got married last year so how is Luke?" Barbatos asked as he put a hand on Emily's tummy she looked down at him and back at me it looked like she was trying to tell me something

"I want to talk to Emily alone for a sec I'm going to tell her things about you the things we did when we were a couple" I said as I took her hand he said ok and I went to talk to Emily "listen I know what he did to you I understand don't worry help is on the way" she nodded with a cheerful grin on her face and went back to barbatos like nothing transpired





"It's the FBI and you are getting arrested" the guy said

"Bye bye barbatos we had a really fun time together while it lasted" I said as I waved goodbye he was then taken away and that girl Emily went to the hospital to take the baby out of her.

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