last battle part 2

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Simeon pov

Where am I wait a minute I'm in a room with a whole in the ceiling and a big pair of feet infront of her and a very loud voice coming from outside? I could tell this is not heaven it's devildom and to far of my concern that maybe is diavolo but wait the legs look like a lady's so that couldn't be diavolo it has to be.... Kura!!!!! I got up quickly. I remember now diavolo being kura back from the dead he told me he was standing right behind me creepy I would say I wonder if he was looking at me while I was out I hope it.

There were four legs they looked like a pony's legs it moved and I was almost crushed by it diavolo almost was to I heard a laugh I knew that was my beautiful kura but what happened to her why is she like this I need to know more I need to find out I went out of the castle this time diavolo allowed be and I was about to take that evil power away from her but something wasn't working I quickly got my phone and went to camera and my eyes were white. That only meant one thing she took my powers so did she take barbatos and diavolo wow and they are ok with this I can't.

I need to see what is going on here. And why did she do this?

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