The Affair- NR

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Your last name is Bianchi

Nat's POV

Last week Maria and I got married. It was small wedding. The only people invited was Yelena and Nick. Of course my sister has to be there even if she hates me.

If I were to be honest I feel like Yelena has been a little touchy with my wife. Maria has been getting very distance too. She's now stay at work till 2 am and getting home at 3 am.

  I always see her smiling at her phone or giggling at it. The same way I used to do. But it's fine she's probably just laughing at something.

   Today we have new recruits coming in. Nick has me training them and to be fair I asked for a break from the gang.

   13 recruits, although some of them seem to be in great shape. The one that stand out to me the most is Agent Bianchi. Her father died in 1994 when she was 6 and her mother died at childbirth.

Her face looks emotionless and cold.I kinda felt bad for her, but it's time to start training.

" Okay newbies get on the line." I snapped and they followed.

I stepped on the line with them saying "If you can beat me doing an easy 5 miles then you'll get to have a night out with me."

"On your marks.. get set.. go!" Typically everyone was running as fast as they could. Idiots may I say for wasting energy. Only two agents besides me were keeping up a steady past.

"You two seem close" I started small talk with them.

" Yeah we are. We met in high school and it's been a roller coaster since sophomore year. We both met through a program called FFA at an chapter meeting. Both lonely, sad, gay and dedicated" Agent Dietrich spoke.

We pasted everyone and now are on the last lap. Y/N was a couple paces behind us. Her breathing was getting a heavy.

   " Is she okay?" I asked Agent Dietrich.

  " Yeah, well she has asthma. We thought she out grew it but apparently not. She's gonna push through with this last lap though. She really wants this job" he told me.

    I did make them carry 15 pounds of gear on them, but it should be nothing. At the agency they made them carry 5 pounds when doing a quick mile.

Me and Agent Dietrich just finished our last lap. He finished behind me due to not wanting to go to dinner and it being all weird.

   "Hey does she have an inhaler or anything?" I asked him.

" I think so, let me go check her bag" he said lightly jogging to her bag.

When I looked back at him, he nodded his head saying there was nothing there. I looked back at Y/n who was basically on the ground on all fours coughing. I could tell she was struggling for air. She was also clutching her rib cage. Being responsible I ran over to her.

   "Y/n, Y/n. Look at me. It's going to be okay. Deep breath, slow and controlled and put your arms over your head. It allows more air in your lungs" I stared at her studying her face.

   She did as I said with her arms and was getting better. Everyone was just staring at the two of us, which I snapped at everyone to go away. My eyes flickered between her lips and eyes, that's when she said-

    "T-thank you Agent Romanoff" she flashed a smile.

Her face was still red but her breathing slowed down. I took her to Bruce to see if he could get her an inhaler right away because we will be doing this often. I was holding her by her side to help her walk, while she had her arm around my neck. 

   "HEY PROBIE! Hands off my wife" I heard Maria yelled from a distance.

  I told Y/N that it was okay and to let me handle it.

    " fuck off Maria. It's not like your sneaking around my back with my sister. Also she had an asthma attack" I snarled.

  Maria went back to her duties while I took her back to the medical center.

   "Bruce! Room 3! Now!" I yelled at the scientist.

  Time skip (Y/N's pov)

Agent Romanoff had helped me with my asthma attack and got me an inhaler from Dr. Banner. She had given me the rest of the day off but I didn't really care, so I went weightlifting.

I really don't have a life. I've only dated like two girls but they ended because they found someone better. Luckily at the compound they have a track for us to run. It's not really a track it's a map around the compound of how long you want to run.

I ran about a little over a lap in 3 minutes. I've also been doing cardio more because I think it while help with my asthma. Today is weight day though and I can't skip it.

Hey y'all sorry for being late. I'm really tired I had competitions all day and I have midterms coming up.

Word Count:895

ScarJo/ Natasha Romanoff One shots - Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora