Broken lovers pt2 - NR

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Also I made the reader g!p cause I got bored


" Sorry Dad I can't hear you when I'm listening to music" my tone laces with guilt.

"It's okay kid. I should've just tapped your shoulder or flash the lights. It's my fault not yours" dad reassured me.

Dad tried to make sure that he was good and would apologize for things that he doesn't need too. When I asked to join the Avengers he was skeptical at first but soon he said yes and that I could learn under him like an apprentice.

   He had the infamous Black Widow teach me combat when Happy was more than happy to do it. Sometimes during our sessions she would either freeze or flustered when I pinned her to the wall or ground.  It was kinda weird but I just ignored it.

Time skip

   Dad is helping me and Natasha get weapons and double checking we have everything. We were also clipped together due to our mission. I could teleport and she couldn't. She was also to close for my liking but she was kind of trying to push herself into me. I won't lie her doing that made me act up a little bit but not enough for her to notice... hopefully.

   " You both ready?" Smart-hulk asked.

We replied back positively. One moment we were in the lab and the next we were in a Hydra base.  Well that Hydra base, the one that injected me with serums that we didn't know until two weeks after. 

   One Moment later

   Hydra agents flooding in left and right. Me and Natasha were pinned down in the server room. Natasha was down to her last magazine and I wasn't sparing any for her. She went to grab mine but I swatted her hand away and hit her PYM particles out of the slot in her arm.

  " You know this isn't how I imagined my death, I thought I be able to do more " Natasha yelled.

" I didn't think I had to do this with you. Just don't puke on me!" I yelled the last part.

  " Wait wh-" I cut her off by teleporting us out into the forest.

   " Well that didn't go to plan" I mumbled under my breath. I plastered a fake voice " okay let's head back".

   I put in the return time as I heard  a quiet shit.

"Y/N we need to go back, I lost the particles" Natasha stressed.

  " Hell no. We almost died in there and we together most definitely aren't going back. If anyone is going back it's gonna be me. You are more important to the team than me. Your the heart of the Avengers Nat and I'm just some rich dudes kid that just trying to learn. They need you for something more important especially what's in your pocket" I soothed her putting the particle in the slot and putting the travel time back in. 

  " I'm not going to argue with you cause I know I won't will that. But before we split ways " she took my face in her hands and I placed my hands on her hips.

   She kissed me. Her soft yet chapped lips against mine. It was sweet and innocent but yet more like a goodbye kiss.

   She pulled away whispered with her voice breaking against my lips " I love you Y/N Ace Stark"

    "I love you too Natasha Romanoff" I kissed her forehead and squeezed her hips. I pulled out the wedding ring from my mother off neck. I placed it on her neck " I want you to have this in case I don't come back. I, Y/N Stark, take thee Natasha Romanoff as my future wedded wife." I smiled at her and whipped the tears off her face.

   " And I, Natalia Romanva take thee Y/N Stark as my future wedded wife" her voice broke even more. We hugged each other until we heard Hydra leave the building. Natasha and I kissed one last time and we split our ways. I went back to the base to find the particle.

    To my luck after 30 minutes, I find the particle untouched. I put it in the slot and start putting in the information.

   I grabbed my gun and pointed it at the figure in the door frame and more people appear around the room. All of the have a gun point at me. I had a split second to shoot and then go or risk teleporting out, still getting shot and going back. I'm going to take option two cause by now they have forces out on the perimeter. I shoot the first two figures and the hit the button to go back though I feel warm water running down my suit on the front and back.

  Everything is fuzzy and gets fuzzier as I blink. I see a fuzzy Natasha and my dad.

Narrator pov

   Y/n is rushed to the clinic where Banner, Tony and joined by Strange who is 5 minutes late. Y/n has already lost 35% of her blood, with her father putting pressure on the bullet hole to her lungs. While Strange get scrubbed up asap and Bruce has been trying to find a blood match to Y/n's blood which is AB. Due to her blood type being rare it's hard to find people with the same blood. One of her parents have A-positive and the other is B-positive.

The monitor starts to crash with noise and Y/n's heartbeat is flatlined. Steven Strange is trying to use the defibrillator to bring back Y/n's heart rate. After three tries he calls time of death at December 3, 2018 at 00:02:18.

   Till this day Natasha still wears her fiancés wedding ring. She always gets asked about it from young Avnengers and trainees. She just replies with " My Juliet died infront of me on a table. She proposed on her last mission when we had our first kiss, but she's safer now." Natasha visits your grave everyday and decorated your grave for holidays. She even adopted a little girl when she was just a baby and named her after you.

Sorry if it seems rushed I have to write an essay tonight that's due at 14:20 and I'm in middle of taking a three day final followed by finals next week.

Word count: 1082

ScarJo/ Natasha Romanoff One shots - Female ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin