Since you Left- NR

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Also no slander to Nick Fury I just needed a father figure that's not Alexi.

Tw: forced to grow up, ed

Me and Nat have always been close since her senior year of high school. She would take me everywhere with her in her Subaru. Yes, I pretty sure that Natasha is a lesbian. First off she listens to girl in red. She also has been checking out the ladies when we're out in public and I slap her arm.

Our father is a very wealthy man. He's a multi-millionaire with his 'business' which, is more like a mafia. I prefer not to inherit his stupid and useless business. I rather would be like my sister. Valedictorian, full ride scholarship to MIT. Also having her black belt in Taekwondo. There's a lot of things she has and I don't.

  For an example I am active FFA Member of our high school. I'm an play an active part in my schools drama program followed by golden scholar and honor role student. I also work at a record store and during the summers I help my goat breeders with their kids.

     I'm just known as Natasha Romanoff useless little sister.

  I don't have any or many friends. It's really difficult to make friends when your sister has this huge reputation. Then there's me who tries to keep a low profile and stay away from the public eye besides in my programs.

TIME SKIP  {Grocery store}

I've been buying mine and dads food since the day Nat left for college. I've been also paying all the bills and taxes. I've been making Dad dinner from scratch and he'd just throw it away after one bite no matter what the dish was. Those nights I cried myself to sleep after doing homework.

   I cleaned the house which consisted of my room, dads room, kitchen, living rooms, foyer, bathrooms (4), the pool house and the garage. I polished the floors and made sure to make sure that I didn't miss a spot anywhere. Laundry too.


  It's now my sophomore year. Natasha had left for college. So now I'm driving myself to school. Alone. In the car that we would be blasting music too when she taught me how to drive. I could hear the memories play through the car.

  She drove me to my first day of my first job at a restaurant as a waitress. After my first week she took me to a record store where they were hiring and said that I just need to apply and they'd look at my résumé. That night I walked into my old job told them I quit and I found a new job that had better pay. I got the job at the record store and is still my current job.
   I gentle bit my lip to keep me from crying. I also tightened my grip on my steering wheel to help. I arrived at my parking spot with 30 minutes to spare. I turned off my car and took a sip of my iced coffee. It was Natasha regular.

   She'd get an iced coffee with two pumps of white chocolate and two pumps of sugar free cinnamon dolce made with Oat-milk. Sometimes she's do Carmel with whip and the crunchy caramel Ribbon. She gets it regular and I get it fat-free, sugar-free, dairy-free anything that can be replaced with something else.

  Sitting in the drivers seat with my forehead against the wheel, biting my lip so tears don't come out. Thank god for the tint on the windows or everyone could see little miss perfect crying.

Walking into school seeing 'friends' in the hallways or in the stairwells. Attending a private school that lets us wear our own clothes. It's the same rules as a public school.


  I get out of school walking to my car to go home when I see a hooded figure. I slow my pace down and careful of my movements. You know basic things to protect myself. Y/N Fury, the heir to the Fury Empire gets kidnapped. I can basically see it everywhere on the news and social media.

  My left fist comes to contact with their jawbone making a clean uppercut making a SMACK. Followed by my right going into their rib cage causing the hooded figure make an grunt sound. A couple of minutes have passed and both of us have land solid punches on each other. I had a busted lip and some cuts on my face. For the other person I couldn't tell but I gained the up hand for a couple of seconds.

   When I was meet with a whistle.

I dropped my fist and my facial muscles changed. My hands were to my side as I said " Natasha?"

  " Hey голубка" she greeted me.

" Don't scare me like that again. I was gonna ICE you" I whispered into her neck hugging her. I really didn't want to let go. Her warm vanilla scent filling my nostrils bring back our memories.

   " Thank goodness I did our whistle then cause those are a pain in the arse" she chuckled.

" Can we just stay here please? I don't want to go home" I begged her.

  " How about we sit in the car and talk?" She asked. I hummed a low okay.

  " So how's everything going with dad? Also how's your ED? I know your sensitive about it but you were doing really good with recovering from it before I left" she took of her hoodie and grabbed my blanket out of the back seat.

   I glanced out the window turning my head away from her. My vision got foggy and my voice shook as I said " Everything is going great." I smiled and trying not to sniffled my nose. I turned my head back after I calmed down.

  " Y/n come here and tell me the truth" she moved the blanket so I could cuddle and cry into her body. Nat knew how to break down my walls and talk to me.

  My car is from the 80's but it has a bench seating. Black benched seats instead of leather. I crawled over to Natasha and balled up to her as she covered us with my blanket like old times. I just started to breakdown in her lap.

  " E-Everything is broken. Dads and I relationship. H-He's not even giving me any advice anymore about what to do in high school. I don't even go to therapy anymore because 'I don't need it.' My ED has fallen apart, I barely eat anything anymore. Last time I ate was a salad but I ended up throwing it up 5 minutes after which was last Thursday or the week prior. The only thing I've consumed today was your old coffee order but it was fat free and sugar free" I weaped out between my tears, sniffles, and hyperventilation.

  She just sat there tracing patterns into my back and humming. I fell asleep exhausted from everything. Once I woke up I was at home in my bed, whiles Tasha was in my gaming chair playing Call of Duty on the Xbox.

  I turned over to see a plate full of food on my night stand. I felt sick to my stomach as if I were to throw up.  I rushed out of bed into my bathroom to the toilet, followed by me throwing up. Natasha was a couple of seconds behind me holding up my hair and tracing the patterns again on my back.

Ima end this here cause I can't go further than this. My goat is leaving me in 2 weeks and I'll never see him ever again. I'm trying my best to get updates out it's just really hard. ~Sam


ScarJo/ Natasha Romanoff One shots - Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now