Periods - NR

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Im going to sorta base this off of what I experience and have experienced


    Y/N's POV

   This morning I woke up in my bed and just laid there for like ten minutes before getting up. You know that feeling you get when you're on your period and feels like everything is just gonna flow down your legs. Well yeah that feeling happened and I squeezed my thighs together while walking to the bathroom so the blood doesn't running my clothes.

    After I got out the bathroom, I put on a hoodie and shorts. I went down stairs to the kitchen grabbing a package of Eggo blueberry waffles, cherry Pop Tarts, freeze dried apples and mangos, yogurt, and a spoon. Everyone was watching me just grab everything as if they had nothing to do.

   " Can I help you with something?" I asked them.

  " Are you okay? Did Natasha and you break up?" I heard Wanda ask.

" No. We are both still happily together. Why did she do something I'm not aware of?" I glared at her.

   She pondered for a moment before saying " Do you want help with carrying the food to your room?"

   " Yes please cause then I grab more" I smiled.

  Wanda used her wiggly woos to help me carry my food to my room along with some fresh meat and cheeses. She helped put the things away into my mini fridge and asked if I wanted anything else.

   " Yes can you go to the store and buy sodas and ice cream and bring it to my room please oh also I need regular tampons might as well grab super too please" I smiled all cheery. " Also tell Natasha I want her please"

   Wanda left my room and shut my door. I thought I could take a shower and braid my hair while I wait for her to get back with the stuff. I have the shower running to get warm water while I pick out music to listen too. Which is usually Villian Mode from Spotify cause why not everyone needs to feel like a bad bitch every once in a while.

   After my shower I put my hoodie and shorts back on. I also Dutch braid my hair so I don't have to deal the mess. I climb into bed and layer myself with blankets cause I get really cold during my periods. I start putting on glee, it's one of my favorite TV shows. I was very upset when I heard Cory Monteith died in 2013, he was only 31 and had so much to do.

   I turn of Glee cause it's not hitting the spot of my feels instead I put on Forest Gump. It's THE BEST MOVIE ever to me. Natasha says it's actually Monsters Inc. I love her but she a big baby when she's around me. I hear Natasha's footsteps come up to our door. The knob clicks and to follow way beautiful Natasha walks into our room.

    " I want cuddles right now. I don't care if you are sweaty, covered in dirt or anything. Get your pretty ass face in this bed so we can cuddle" I demand her.

   Natasha's POV

    I was just demanded by my princess to get to bed with her. Obviously I don't really care that she demanded for cuddles but I wanted to shower first and in new clothes.

  " Alright моя любовь " I cooed her.

I climb into bed with Y/n and pull her into my side. She shifts to her side wrapping her arms around my waist and threaded her legs through mine. I frowned to see that her hair was braided and I couldn't run my hand through her hair.

" Hey принцесса can you braid my hair? You can do what ever braid you want" I whispered on her head.

" Yes of course! Can you put the new season of Stranger Things on please?" I started to braid Natasha's hair.

A few moments later

Natasha POV

Y/N has fallen asleep on me and was lightly snoring lightly. Wanda had come back with the goods and put them away for me. She kissed Y/N's head and left to go to her room. The nights Y/N has her periods is the most peaceful nights for everyone at the compound.

Love y'all and remember that you are worth taking space in this world. Be comfortable in your skins and fuck everyone else's opinions on you and your body.

Words: 775 words

ScarJo/ Natasha Romanoff One shots - Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now