It needs to be done Pt. 1

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Chapter 34:


As Rhodes Island's chinook flies over the countryside of Ursus, when they reached Tsaringrad, or at least near the edges of Tsaringrad, the pilots deduced that landing on Blitz's occupied territory would be fatal and stupid.

How do they know it's Blitz's territory? Because they were immediately shot at mid-air by the ballista turrets posted on top. Not wanting to risk going through a city with anti-air capacity, they instead maneuvered themselves carefully to avoid the town, and cross through the center fields.

The Jenkins met some major turbulence on the way, and they did get damaged by the ballistas, but the helicopter is still flying, and everything is under control.

Looking down at the central fields, they see a whole lot of red spots dotting the land and soil. Either Blitz ordered his men to finger-paint en masse, or perhaps those are dead bodies of whatever enemy he faced, and perhaps his own men. He has outdone himself today!

The governor's telegram, or in other words 'email', stated that Blitz is already in the capital town itself — the town where the command center resides. Their main objective – a rather desperate one, is to take Blitz out. Either assassinate him or kidnap him, it depends on the outcome.


Tommy: "Not wanting to criticize you, especially since we're already in Tsaringrad, but do you really want to do this? I mean...looking down at those bastion forts, and a whole lot of red surrounding it, I think that's a sign that Blitz and his men are no joke."

Doctor: "Look, I know it looks bad..."

Tanner: "That's an understatement if I ever heard one."

Doctor: "But knowing our previous battle reports, I'm sure we'll do fine!"

Tommy: "Battle reports from when Nathan was still the Logistics Manager?"

Doctor: "Look, if things go wrong, you're here to evacuate us, right?"

*Tommy shrugs and purses his lips.*

Tommy: "Well, depends if we aren't shot down from the sky."

Tanner: "We got machine gun turrets bolted down on the windows near the cockpit. If we would've brought additional gunners, then it would've helped. Those machine guns aren't that easy to make as well."

Tommy: "The Jenkins would reach overcapacity if we went through with that plan. Look, I'll land you guys near the command center, or at least the town which encases the command center. If all else fails, either run back to us or call us in."

Tanner: "We're capable of defending ourselves, Doc. You just have to worry about your operators."

Doctor: *He leans inward and shoots the both of them a thumbs up.* "Got it."

Tommy: "Alright, Doc. We trust ya. Now, this landing may be bumpy, so...hold on to your butts."

*Tommy pushes the intercom button to speak to the operators in the troop carriage.*

Tommy: "Brace yourselves, this landing will be bumpy, so hold tight."


Tommy carefully maneuvers the Jenkins to land horizontally inside of a clearing in an artificial forest that's a few hundred meters from the capital town. The leaves from the big uncut pine trees below were waving against the wind, weak saplings were uprooted, and dead leaves on the ground were blown away everywhere. With expert handling, Tommy successfully lands on said clearing, without causing motion sickness to one single person onboard.

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