Chapter IV: Oath of Intrepidity

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      - Enfeeble the weaklings, amplify the undaunted...

     "Attention to all students! Attention to all students! The council proposed a meeting for every student! Everyone must come to the conference circle! I repeat, everyone must come to the conference circle! Anyone who'll refuse will be working in the labor camp for sixty years!"

     Everyone knew it was a serious deal. There were rumors around the academy that The Academy of Tera sent students to a labor camp if they never complied with what the academy wanted. never sent anyone to a labor camp for over a century or two, and now they're warned about it.

     "The warning has already started... we're already doomed!"

     Everyone started rushing to the main hallway. Stampede almost happened due to everyone's panic as if they're being manipulated by their fear...or maybe they are.

     "H-hey? What's going on?? Why everyone's in a hurry?! " Fate asked one of his classmates, but they never answered him. Fate asked everyone, but no one was answering him. The only answer he's hearing is, "Run before you're too late!!"

     Fate really had no choice but to run along with his schoolmates inside the academy. He tripped, but no one helped him. He tried to stand up but he was being stepped on. Fate had no choice but to hold onto a student's leg for him to stand up and catch up to the ruckus. Everyone headed east when they reached the main entrance.

     While Fate was running, Lucien suddenly got into his mind. Where is she? Why can't Fate see him? The level four Humanoid has been eliminated but did Lucien die along with the humanoid? He cannot answer that question, and he didn't dare to know what lies behind his questions since he'll be doomed.

    Fate finally reached the conference circle, along with a few students. There, they met a man standing in the middle of the room, but the only thing everyone saw was his silhouette.

     "Why why why? What is the hurry? And look yourselves, y'all look very awful! Why's everyone afraid of this? Why's everyone in panic? Why's everyone under an adrenaline rush?" the man in front of the conference hall asked. The man's voice sounded like he is already in his thirties. "Ohohoho! My bad my bad! I forgot something, didn't I?"

     The door everyone entered suddenly closed shut. A few moments later, the screams of the student who didn't make it in time echoed from outside. Slashes of the swords were heard.


     Those were the screams of the student who desperately wanted to live, but did not make it alive. It was gut-wrenching to hear. Everyone was bamboozled that they will be sent to the labor camp if they refused to come to the conference circle. It was just a trick. Everyone was gullible to fall for their trap, and they were too late before they noticed it.

     "Now, where were we? Ah yes, I must introduce myself.

     "I am an Aristocratic Councilor. I'm pretty sure everyone knows what we are capable of, right? Or should I demonstrate it on behalf of the Councilors?

     "Hmmm, how do I introduce my name again? Oh, right! It goes by the name of Inzary Azumaora. I am the founder of the Aristocratic Council so as you can see, I am the God here! Everyone respects me. Everyone bows down and grovel before me. What I tell them is absolute. Everyone's just my pawn inside this Academy. Everyone is my lovely, little, disposable pawns here. I am in touch with the Kingdom's Highness so that will explain why I am the God here! I AM THE GOD HERE!!! I AMMMM!!!

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