The Second Phase: A New Beginning

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     Fate looked at the horizon blankly as he stand. He is at the loss of words as he watches Caeruleus - the very first person who respected him as he grew experience - get arrested by the authority. "Quite an irony, isn't it?" he told himself, "I can't believe the same people he leads will have him arrested."

     Fate looked behind him and saw a sprout growing from where Caeruleus buried Inzary's body. "Huh, I wonder just what thing in the past made him respect you," he said.

     The Sun has finally woken up. Its rays met Fate's face as it rises from the horizon where birds came flying from. The damp ground has slowly dried up as the Sun slowly wakes up the nature.

     Leaves started to slowly fall above. A refreshing, gentle breeze coming from Fate's east blew up the leaves that fell on the ground.

     "So, this is my new beginning," Fate told himself. He gave a short breath as he face the beginning of his adventure, "I should live up to my name. My fate is in my hands- no, I am my own fate. My fate, my destiny, and everything will depend on what I do and what I will do."

     Judging from where he is, Monteraz Town is just straight ahead if Fate decides to follow the path he is currently facing.

     "I owe you my life, sir," says Fate. "If it weren't for you, I would be just another no one," he adds.

     His eyes were empty, but what had just happened gave Fate another reason to move forward. If it weren't for Caeruleus, Fate could've just given up on his only desire: to find out what happened to his family. It was the only thing that keeps him moving forward, but even that isn't enough for him to keep up with his surroundings - where everything seems to be one-sided; the weak get no treatment and the strong get praised. He only had himself, with no one accompanying him.

     Fate held his head up high as he stood tall. He takes a deep breath and released it after a few seconds. This is the very moment where Fate accepted the world. He doesn't have to try hard anymore. After all, the frail does not get any kind of treatment.

     "Blending with this world seems... quite an idiocy," Fate tells himself. "I am weak, after all. I don't have to try my best just to be praised. Come to think of it. The only thing everyone sees is the result of your hard work. What you went through doesn't matter to them.

     "This time, I've had enough. It only takes me to be me. I don't have to be someone. Not anymore. Not Caeruleus or even my father. I will not prove myself to anyone. Who are they to judge me, anyway?"

     His eyes already told everything. One could already judge that he is already a different person. A person that is way different than what he was.

     The determination from Fate's eyes never vanished, though. His determination to be a better person never faded, and it will fade never. As a matter of fact, the fire of determination from his eyes became stronger. It is always the fire from his eyes that makes him stronger.

     Fate held his face up high and stood tall as he trod the path on his way home. It has been already decided, and nothing can change his mind: he will devote his life and strive to uncover the secrets of his kingdom, and find out what happened to his family. In other words, he will start his adventure on his own.

     Fate doesn't know, though. Little did he know...


Everything is not yet starting...

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