Chapter XV: The Hidden Aftermath

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- Vigilants stay alive, unsuspected will vanish

"Wait what?" Fate scratches his head asking himself why the king wants Caeruleus in the meeting. "He doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"R-right away, your Majesty." The warden hastily scurried away from the stage after his response.

"Give way!" The warden shouted as he bumped between the crowds. To his haste, he dropped his badge the instant he bumped Fate. He really wants the crisis to be resolved as soon as possible.

Fate quickly noticed the badge and picked it off the ground. He scrutinized the badge and the badge looks like it is made from pure bronze. The eyes of the badge shine and reflect off a bright, luminous light under the sun. Fate speculated it was some kind of identification to the government officials.

The king continued his speech as he waits for Caeruleus. "So it has been said, my people of Tera. Even I was shocked by what the warden said in front of us. I love my servants as to how much I love my people, and it weakens me to say this: Inzary Azumaora - an Aristocratic Councilor and a former Level S warrior under the wizard class - is officially our enemy now. He is a fugitive of this Kingdom, and I am commanding my servants - Peer's Summon and Level S - to try their very best to find him, dead or alive!"

The king suddenly smashed his right hand on the table as a sign of declaration. At that point, the king declared Inzary Azumaora as their number one enemy, and nothing will change the king's mind about what he sees towards Inzary.

The crowd, on the other hand, started to shout in anger and pain towards Inzary. They all wanted to have their righteous justice. Their eyes said everything and their intentions were clear: to put Inzary to a demise everyone cannot bear. Their hearts were filled with burning emotions.

The shouts and exclamations gradually faded when a portal appeared on the stage just in front of the king.

"I have been summoned by your order, your Majesty, so I came for your will." The crowd saw an armored man bowing his head and kneeling before the king. The man inside the portal was none other than Caeruleus himself.

The king stood up and then bowed his head. "The pleasure is yours, my servant," he said. "You may stand up now, Caeruleus. Please, face my people of Tera."

As the king told Caeruleus, he stood up straight and faced the crowd. His eyes locked into Fate, and Fate locked his eyes on Caeruleus.

"It is my pleasure to serve the king's citizen," Caeruleus said as he bowed his head. The crowd seems confused as to why the king wants to summon him.

"Caeruleus," the king told him as he looked into his eyes. He then observed Caeruleus' attire. "Peer's Summon, I see that. The badge on your shoulder shows me an eagle with an eyepatch on its left eye. You must be the leader of Knights of Peer's Summon."

"You are not mistaken, your Majesty," he replied as he nodded his head.

"I reckon that you are aware of the reason why I wanted you here, Caeruleus."

Caeruleus suddenly gulped. "N-no, your Majesty. On top of my head, I am not aware of any reasons why."

"I see that," the king then leaned his head on his right hand. "The warden did not tell you, no?"

"You are clearly right, your majesty," Caeruleus again nodded his head. "Before you ask about the warden's whereabouts, your Majesty, he already left the moment he told me you wanted to summon me here."

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