Chapter XVI: A Nightmare Fuel

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- You can run, but you can hide never...

"W-where are you going, Fate? W-what are you doing?"

Noirel tightly grasped Fate's shoulder and stopped him from walking away. Fate immediately turned his head to Noirel and an awkward silence followed.

Noirel's eyes were filled with nothing but pure fear and dread and gazed deep into Fate's eyes as though he was indirectly telling Fate not to go away.

"I'm going to do the right thing, Noirel" he then exhaled deeply, "I'm gonna do the right thing you should've done the moment you came from the meeting!"

It has already been said, and Fate cannot be stopped now. He had decided to return to the meeting while he still can. He has still plenty of time to do it for the sun has not yet set.

"I... I'm sorry... Fate." Tears came down Noirel's eyes as he sobbed. He eventually fell to his knees and cried out loud. Fate cannot help but stop walking away. "I know I should've done that... b-but I can't, an-and I'm sorry! I'm such a coward..."

Fate clenched his fists and immediately went for Noirel. Out of Fate's anger, he suddenly punched Noirel straight into his face. Noirel has been knocked down to the ground due to the strength Fate exerted.

"Do you have any fucking idea what you have just done, Noirel?!" Fate shouted, throwing his tantrums at his best friend. "This... this right here... this could've provided the government the justice the victims deserve! But... but what?! What the fuck did you do, Noirel?! Instead of telling this in front of His majesty, you kept it instead! Do you in any way have an idea what you have just done?!"

Noirel immediately stood up and clasped the collar of Fate's suit. "Don't you dare throw your fits on me! D-do you think- do you think I like this?! Do you?!"

Noirel immediately let go of Fate and calmed himself down. He let go of the frustrations he got from Fate and calmed down. "We should be working together, Fate, not fighting here like kids."

"Wow, Noirel, wow!" Fate then sarcastically clapped to Noirel, "Now you're saying that I am acting like a kid?! Well, I guess I might say fuck you for that! You're the one who kept this from everyone and told it to me instead. If you think doing the right thing is childish from your sorry perspective, then I think we have to cut our friendship right here and right now!"

Noirel became speechless, lost for words after what Fate had told him just now. It overwhelmed his feelings to the point that he don't even know what should he feel. He became emotionless the moment Fate told him that he would cut their friendship at the very instant they met.

Over time, the dome that covered a radius - where Fate and Noirel faded. The distorted background of where they are also returned to normal as well along with the rusty scent of the air. The atmosphere seems to return to normal after the dome slowly vanished.

It was at that moment when Fate knew he should leave already. He could hear distant shouting coming from the direction of Eurik Town and he assumed that the meeting is not yet done.

"I am sorry, Noirel. You're true, yes you are," Fate said as he slowly walks away.

"What do you mean, Fate?" Noirel asked while he wipes down the tears on his cheeks.

"That I still have a long way to fight for myself. You said that earlier, right?"

"Yes, but- but I didn't mean to..."

Fate stopped walking when he heard what Noirel replied. "That's okay, I understand. After all, all you saw in me is my failures, right?"

"N-no, Fate! You're totally wron-"

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