Chapter VI: Burning Hatred Continues

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      - Hatred cannot be stopped if it took over you...


     Fate cannot believe it. Someone whose rank is on the government level will actually train him. He still questions Sir Caeruleus why did he choose him. But whatever it is, it must be a secret that needs to be uncovered. It must be something related to himself. Maybe to Fate's bloodline. He did not know what's the answer to his question. All he knows is that someone whose level is par with the government will train him without any second thoughts. Someone did not hesitate to train him.

     While on his way home, everyone's having a word to Fate and Sir Caeruleus' choice. Why Fate, when he can train someone whose skill is ten times better than what Fate possesses. Everyone's jealous of Fate. He's the word of everyone's mouth.

     Fate's heart suddenly pounded. It thumped so hard it feels like it's about to get out from Fate's body. The reason being is, Fate saw the love of his life. The girl she wants to marry. It was none other than Lucien. He saw Lucien on her way home, without any friends to hang out with. After all, she is a cold person, probably a stubborn one.

     Fate didn't hesitate to walk with Lucien. He intentionally made his walking steps faster just to catch up to the girl of his dreams. Lucien suddenly noticed Fate going towards her. Lucien did not mind it, though.

     Fate's about to catch up with Lucien. It is now his chance to talk with her, and Fate's not letting it go.
     " H-hey there, Lucie-"

     " What do you want?", Lucien responded coldly. " Be straightforward, I don't wanna waste my time."

     Fate needs to back out what he wanna say. He needs to hold that thought and think of something relevant - something that's connected to something interesting. Fate knew that Lucien won't respond to a nonsensical question and will just leave him in a completely awkward situation. He thought of something relevant to the Academy and had the chance to talk with Lucien. Little did Fate know that he will discover something dark. Something that everyone won't expect.

     " U-hm... a-about the uhm... uhhhh, what-"

     "Feel free to leave, Fate. Whatever it is, I'm not interested." Lucien then walked away, completely leaving Fate in a very awkward situation.

     "Hey! Lucien! Waitt!!" Fate exclaimed. He tried to run, attempting to catch up with Lucien. "I just wanna ask about the humanoid you fought!"

     Lucien slowly stopped walking. Fate can finally have the time to talk with Lucien. He caught up with Lucien and gasped for air, trying to catch his breath. Fate's stamina isn't trained and got tired that easily.

     "Wow, Fate. I thought you were just those useless bastards who tries to hit on me. Why do you wanna know about that, anyway?" Lucien asked. "Haha. It will just complicate your pea-sized brain, but okay."

     Fate felt awkward from what Lucien said about him. He didn't mind it, though. All he wants to do is to take his time talking to Lucien and adore her drop-dead beauty. They proceeded to walk on their way slowly while the two are talking.

     "I-I'm just curious, L-Lucien... I-I mean, is it really a b-big d-deal...?" Fate nervously asked, " How did you d-deal with it...?"

     "Long story short, I don't remember what I did to defeat the humanoid. All I can remember is I blacked out the moment the humanoid used its magical power.

     Lucien then sighed and explained what she knows, "I don't wanna waste my time explaining the humanoid's physical composition 'cause I know you won't be able to comprehend it anyway. All I can say is that it is a non-natural entity that came from the wild. No way a level four entity will exist in the wild. If you're dumb enough to not know this, the maximum level a wild entity can reach is level three. The only way to find a level four entity and above is by using a summoning spell. The humanoid's probably summoned by a high-level official. Let's say, maybe Level fives and Level S.

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