Chapter XI: Amateur and Experienced

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- Blunt knife once honed could be as deadly as a sword...

24 hours before The Triplet's Vow...

     "This is it, Fate. This is the day before The Triplet's Vow takes place," Caeruleus coldly said, "This is the day where you will see the results of blood, sweat, and tears you have drained to train under me."

     Fate felt a cool, gentle breeze coming from the west. It gave him a moment to think about what he had gone through. Fate still can't believe it, though. He's in front of a government official, about to fight with Caeruleus one on one, and there's no holding back this time. All the sweat and the pain are all worth it.

     "Fate, I am reminding you, and please, always put this inside your mind.

     "The Triplet's Vow is a life-and-death situation. The odds are stacked against everyone. Rely on luck if you want. Rely on skill if you want. Rely on both if you want, but The Triplet's Vow is your biggest enemy.

     "You need to trust yourself if that day comes. You can form groups, but you only have yourself. In the end, your only ally is yourself and only yourself."

     Caeruleus raised his hand in the air and there appeared the sword almost as tall as him. It appeared as if it was generated into the thin air. It was a broad, longsword. He held it using both of his hands. It also appears that a weaker, thinner armor is generated on his very own body. At that moment, Fate also went for his sickles on his back and grasped them tightly.

     Caeruleus gazed into Fate's eyes, and it gave Fate chills as it is something he had never seen before. Caeruleus' eyes were cold dead, yet you could feel something from them. An unknown, unexplainable feeling. His eyes were cold but is burning within.

     "Let me see everything you have learned under me. Let me see the results of our hard work..."

     Caeruleus leaped before Fate could even react. A leap faster than a blink of an eye. It is strong that it left a crater from where Caeruleus originally was.

     "...bring it on, Fate... Never let me down."

     In a split second, Caeruleus is already in front of Fate. A point-blank distance. Caeruleus' arms were raised along with the longsword he holds. His eyes locked into Fate's, and Fate couldn't help but stare back into Caeruleus' eyes, too. Caeruleus' eyes had a very clear intent, and they told Fate one thing: to make him fight against Caeruleus, to fight until his death.

     The amateur and the experienced fought for the last time. Caeruleus and Fate exchanged blows using their weapons, clashing with each other every second that passed. The bang of their weapons reverberated throughout the surroundings. The bang of Caeruleus' sword and the shriek of Fate's sickles echoed throughout the field, filling the silence with their weapons colliding.


     Fate and Caeruleus' weapons clashed with each other for the last time. The moment Caeruleus' longsword and Fate's sickles collided, it released a burst of shockwave accelerating at a tremendous velocity.

     They stood their ground after that, attempting to overwhelm each other, but Caeruleus is exerting a huge amount of strength in his longsword. Fate had heard a slight cracking on his sickle, an indication that Caeruleus is not holding back anymore.

     Caeruleus stared deep into Fate's eyes. "You have made an immense improvement ever since I have trained you, Fate," Caeruleus told him. "Fighting you is something special, but you have to remember..."

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